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Thread: January 2022 ArkGeo Board Meeting Minutes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    January 2022 ArkGeo Board Meeting Minutes

    14th January, 2022, 7:00pm
    Conway, AR, UCA Burdick Hall Rm. 218,

    Board Members Present:
    Pat Vaughn
    David Solomon
    Laura Neale
    Angela Munden
    Randy Elder

    Board Members Absent:
    Justin Murphree
    Chris Rasmussen

    Judy Vaughn
    Carolyn Munden

    Board Position Discussion & Decisions

    nominated, accepted nomination, & unanimously elected Treasurer: Randy Elder

    nominated, accepted nomination, & unanimously elected Secretary: Laura Neale

    nominated, accepted nomination, & unanimously elected Vice President: Angela Munden

    nominated for President: Chris Rasmussen
    attempted to contact to determine if he would accept nomination, however unable to contact
    role of President tabled for rest of meeting, pending further update

    Committee Liaison Discussion & Decisions

    clarification that the Board Liasion to a committee may not participate in that committee, but may serve in other committees they do not liaise for

    volunteered as & appointed Liaison to the Election Committee - Randy Elder

    volunteered as & appointed Liaison to the Community Relations Committee - Angela Munden

    volunteered as & appointed Liaison to the Events Committee - Laura Neale

    volunteered as & appointed Liaison to the Fundraising Committee - David Solomon

    volunteered as & appointed Liaison to the Membership Relations Committee - Pat Vaughn

    Committee Reports

    none given, due to suspension of activity during ongoing Covid-19 pandemic


    Post-Meeting Updates

    Chris Rasmussen declined a nomination for President.
    Justin Murphree declined a nomination for President.
    On the Board Forum, Pat Vaugh was nominated for President, accepted the nomination, and was voted in.

    Submitted by Secretary Laura Neale

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Jacksonville, AR
    Thank you ArkGeo board members for getting things going again! I look forward to being active again.
    One cache at a time!

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