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Thread: Hiking Sugarloaf Mountain Video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Hiking Sugarloaf Mountain Video

    Last Friday, January 9. 2015, I had the honor and pleasure of accompanying woodduck on the climb of Sugarloaf Mountain (located in OK, just west of Hartford, AR) in our quest for the cache located at the top there, Summit of Sugarloaf Mountain (GCNEMT). We had a GREAT time and found the cache, and you can read about our adventure in our logs on the cache page. However, after getting home, I was intrigued by a Found It log posted on 6/7/14. It referenced a "films expedition." My curiosity got the best of me, and after doing a Google Search on Sugarloaf Mtn. Films, I was able to find the video on YouTube which documented this group of non-geocachers who made the climb up the mountain and happened to find the cache on 10/13/13. Here is the link for the video:

    It is pretty lengthy - nearly 1 hour and 20 minutes -- and not the highest quality video I have ever viewed, considering it is supposed to be by a commercial video company. However, it does provide some interesting viewing about the climb up the mountain. Although they say they started from the south side, as we did, I did not recognize any of the areas they passed through, as they seemed to cross some grassy open areas that we did not pass through. We were almost always in wooded areas. They also came down by a different route, to the east, which makes me wonder if there might be an easier way up than what we took!

    But the reason I am posting this here is because they happened to find the geoache, by accident, although it is not hard to miss if you explore some around the top. This happens around 53 to 55 minutes into the video. And even ArkGeo is mentioned! The hikers look through the cache contents and pull out an ArkGeo card that was left by a previous finder (I am assuming idratherbehiking, but it may have been someone else). So take a look at this video, fast forward through it if you find it too boring, but at least stop at the part where they are shown looking through the cache on the morning of their second day.

    I found their hike back down the most interesting part. I will not say why, because I hate to give out spoilers, but my immediate reaction was they were clearly NOT geocachers! See if you can understand why I felt this way!
    "There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry." -- George Armstrong Custer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Cabot, AR
    I just finished watching the video. Thanks for posting. There are a few parts that have me scratching my head. Keep in mind I was an army ranger for 20 years and living in the woods and navigating through them was my life. These were some good ole boys on an adventure. Looked like a great time and now I want to go there.

    It is pretty neat that they happened upon the cache. Obviously they new of the "sport".

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