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Thread: October 2022 ArkGeo Board Meeting Minutes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    October 2022 ArkGeo Board Meeting Minutes

    14th October, 2022, 6:45pm
    Second Baptist Church, 1117 N James St, Jacksonville, AR 72076

    Board Members Present:
    Pat Vaughn, President
    Angela Munden, Vice President
    Randy Elder, Treasurer
    Laura Neale, Secretary

    Board Members Absent:
    David Solomon
    Chris Rasmussen
    Justin Murphree
    Jason Nuckols, Website Manager

    Agenda presented.

    Officer Reports:

    President's Report:
    "Your President and Board of Directors have continued to work this quarter to get Arkgeo back up and running. We continue to work to build our committees as they are the backbone of the association. New website members as well as new committee members have been added this quarter.

    We are now looking forward to Executive Board Member Elections next quarter and Arkgeo Board Member Elections soon following. Although we know that there is still a lot of work ahead of us, we believe we are on the right track and that Arkgeo will soon be back to the great association that it once was."

    Treasurer's Report:
    "Treasurer Report 7/8/2022 to 10/12/2022
    Beginning Balance: 3,604.50 (Checking 3,378.61, PayPal 44.39, PathTag 181.50)
    Receipts: $186.00 from store sales including coins purchased thru PayPal
    Expenses 1.47 fees on PayPal receipt
    Ending Balance: 3,789.03 (Checking 3,536.61, PayPal 70.92, PathTag 181.50)"

    Discussion re: Merchandise inventory / disclosure on a quarterly vs. annual basis. Treasurer is in favor of transparency.
    Judy Vaughn (not present) currently has inventory of ArkGeo merchandise.

    Website Manager's Report:

    Committee Reports:
    Election Committee
    Fundraising Committee
    Community Relations Committee
    Membership Relations Committee
    Events Committee

    None yet.

    Unfinished Business:
    Continue to build committees
    President presented handout lists of previous known committee members, some up-to-date and some not yet checked.
    President asked board committee liaisons to check with listed members in their respective committees & see who was still active, who was no longer active, and to try to think of any potential new members who could be added. President also requested board committee liaisons to see if a committee chair can be elected from among committee members. Committee chair elections may be conducted online, and do not need to be as formal as board elections.

    New Business:
    Upcoming Board Elections
    There are 2 current vacancies, plus Chris Rasmussen is rotating off, so there will be 3 positions to be filled.

    Nominations open January 1st, close January 31st.
    Nominees compiled by February 8th.
    Election Committee posts ballots to ArkGeo website on February 15th.
    Elections will begin March 1st, end March 31st.
    New Board Members will take office May 1st.

    Nominees must have been a member of ArkGeo for one year as of January 31st, 2023 (although there *may* need to be some wiggle room, special consideration *may* be given if appropriate).

    Increasing ArkGeo Membership & Member Participation
    Discussion re: Cache activity has seemed slow lately, overall. This includes event caches, which have certainly been affected by the ongoing pandemic.
    It was proposed that ArkGeo host an event soon to boost our profile among local cachers. VP Angela Munden volunteered to plan it.
    Another way to potentially raise awareness among central Arkansas cachers who may not yet know we exist would be to put ArkGeo banners on cache pages. Such banners can be found here:

    Next Board Meeting
    Friday, January 13th, 2023, time and location TBD


    Submitted by Secretary Laura Neale

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Do we have a time and location decided for the next board meeting yet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, Ar.
    Richard, I just posted a thread about the Board meeting in this same forum. Would love to see you attend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    As of now I plan to be there. Thanks

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