July 2017 Geocacher Profile

Jul 01, 2017 - 8:36 PM - by MathSeeker
The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Brandon Labat aka Night_Hiker should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

What is your geocaching name?

How did you choose your handle?
Me and my friends have primarily cached at night. So I've hiked through the middle of the woods more times than I can count. So the name was just fitting. The account was originally our groups, which one friend had named "apart" but once I began to hide caches I wanted something more specific to myself. There's something and secretive about going so late. I'm a bit older now, 27 so I don't get as many chances haha.

How long have you been geocaching?
Let's see It was either late 2009 or early 2010.

How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?
Well me and my buddies were hanging out late one night and one friend had read about the game so we gave it a try. The cache was Greenbrier Softball Complex by BSA534. Let me tell you that realization that there were these hidden containers all around us was mind blowing. We were immediately hooked. My friends back then have all moved on from the sport but I've always maintained my love.

Who usually goes with you when you go caching?
Over the years I have taken an assortment of friends. only one has actually maintained an account, Midnight Stalker. Probably 15 to 20 people have tagged along haha.

How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up?
I usually do not spend a lot of time on these if its a night trip. They are just difficult in the dark and can slow the momentum of the trip but if its just me during day light I'll give it much more time.

What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in?
I've really enjoyed Heber Springs, Morrilton, and my local areas surrounding Clinton. Also the national forest up around the Buffalo River and Jasper.

Do you do paperless caching?
I'm very old school when it comes to caching. I usually pull up the map on the website and I'll plot a course listing caches on notebook paper. I'll upload these into my gps as I go. It's just fun to do and I like having the paper to keep me from getting confused.

What kind of geocaching rig do you use?
I used a Garmin Etrex 10. I like to keep it pretty simple and this thing is just great.

Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching?
Usually when I am attempting to recruit some muggles I'll point out the secretiveness of the game and compare it to a year round scavenger hunt. "Hiking with a purpose or destination" usually gets stated haha.

Where are you originally from?
I moved from Louisiana when I was 2 and lived in Scotland, AR until the school closed in 2006. I've lived in Clinton, AR ever since 2008.

In what states have you geocached?
Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma

What was your first event ever attended?
I believe it was an event held here in Clinton by Ar Hick. He wanted to highlight the area and the caches, a lot being mine, so I was very appreciative.

How many caches have you found?

Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest?
I really like a good ole fashion ammo can or peanut butter jar. They are timeless classics.

What was the most famous cache that you have found?
Can't say I've found a really famous one but going down the list King Cotton in Lake Providence, Louisiana has 75 likes so I guess that one haha.

Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries?
Disposable but I've been wanting to go rechargeable for a while now.

Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby?
I really enjoy hiding them. A lot of cacher are really appreciative of my creative hides and provide great logs for me to read.

Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide?
I usually hope to "wow" the cachers and provide a find that they haven't seen before. Although I do sprinkle in some common hides, I try to keep a high percentage unique and creative.

What is your favorite type of cache hide?
I really love finding larger ones and custom ones. If I find a birdhouse geocache or something I'm super happy. I basically create caches I would love to find.

Out of all your hides, what are your personal favorites that you take pride in?
Two caches specifically stick out "Heads Up" 89 favorites and "Urban Cammo" 67. It's a miracle I've kept them going this long, as I've had to rebuild them many times. They get the most attention and I'm glad bc they took the longest to make.

What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?

I don't really have a preference. I know I could not maintain hundreds of hides, but if someones up for the challenge I salute them! I do prefer that a cacher play a while before hiding a cache tho. The experience helps.

How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby?
I explained earlier but once again a buddy read about it and suggested we played. I've been a consistent junky ever since.

What's your favorite geocache?
I've actually never found my favorite geocache. Sugarloaf Chimney in Heber Springs, AR has stumped me and my crew many trips. I love the area, you can see all of Heber and just a lot of fond memories come from that location and hunting. I'll go back and claim it one day, hmm I may plan a trip soon now haha!

If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching? Oh man so many choices. I'd love to get a cache on every continent. I really want to go to Yosemite tho, so that location specifically would be the one.

Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
With a group. I've rarely went alone it's still fun but the social aspect and searching with your friends is what it's all about.

How many First to Finds do you have?
I'm not really sure on this one but I would bet like 7. I really wish the website tracked these. Maybe it does I haven't found the feature if so!

Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?
No, I am not. During spurts where I'm really into the game I may go find a local one. If I see one while plotting a course I'll steer the trip that way but I don't get too caught up on them.

Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching?
Yes, I do a lot of stuff. Obviously if you know my caches, woodworking. Also basketball, hiking, fishing, kayaking, photography, video games, mountain biking and recently metal detecting. I tend to spread myself too thin so I'll be into one hobby for a while before switching to something else.

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June 2017 Geocacher Profile

Jun 01, 2017 - 6:13 AM - by MathSeeker
The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Mark Schneider aka MarkSAR should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

What is your geocaching name?

How did you choose your handle?
It stands for Mark S from Arkansas

How long have you been geocaching?
Since May 2008

How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?
Friends were talking about geocaching. I went out and started looking for one with the help with a Garmin Nuvi. The cache was GCHRFR - scattered straw.

Who usually goes with you when you go caching?
My wife, LatonkaGal

How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up?

What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in?
Searcy AR.

Do you do paperless caching?

What kind of geocaching rig do you use?
Just my phone and some spare battery packs

Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching?
Yes. It is fun discovering a world all around you that you didn't know was there. I have found many wonderful areas I would not have ever know was there otherwise.

Where are you originally from?
Jonesboro AR

In what states have you geocached?
Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Mississippi, Iowa, California, Kentucky, Minnesota, South Dakota, Kansas, Louisiana, Texas, Wisconsin, Nebraska,North Dakota and Oklahoma

What was your first event ever attended?
RCHM Meet and Greet

How many caches have you found?

Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest?
Ammo Cans. They get stolen a lot any more, but they make the best cache containers

What was the most famous cache that you have found?
Gorilla Stash

Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries?
Since I use my phone, rechargeable

Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby?
Both. Finding a cool cache makes you want to share it with other cachers.

Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide?
Usually I either want to bring a cacher to a interesting place or make a cacher happy or have a sense of accomplishment.

What is your favorite type of cache hide?
Either a cool place, or a fun puzzle.

Out of all your hides, what are your personal favorites that you take pride in?
Touche Woodwalker, which is now retired. After solving/finding several caches by WoodWalker9, I wanted to hide a cache that would be a challenge. I was happy when WoodWalker9 tried for the FTF on it. It took him an hour to find it, and he put his hand on the cache container when he started, and still it took an hour for him to find it.

What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?
Not sure about a ratio, but I do believe a cacher needs to find several caches over a fairly large area before they start hiding. This helps you determine what is a good cache.

How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby?
I am a bit of a technology nut. I bough a GPS and was wondering what else I could do with it, and came across geocaching.

What's your favorite geocache?
The old Searcy Event caches. I have had the most fun at any event, and got to meet several Arkansas cachers. I have been to mega events, but the Search events were more geared into meeting and learning from other cachers.

If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching?
I would like to find the most northern and southern caches. Head to the north pole and the south pole. These caches are remote and few people will ever see them.

Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
Group caching.

How many First to Finds do you have?
I am not really sure.

Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?
I used to be, but after so many first to finds, they lost their excitement.

Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching?

With all going in my live now, I don't have much time for other hobbies.

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May 2017 Geocacher Profile

May 01, 2017 - 8:02 PM - by MathSeeker
The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Candace Dulaney aka cddulaney should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

What is your geocaching name? cddulaney

How did you choose your handle?
It is my name... I didn't know I was supposed to be all sly about it.

How long have you been geocaching?
I found my first cache on 12-24-2011.

How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?
A friend had told me about geocaching... and I was on my way to visit that family... so I loaded and joined up on my phone... my first cache was Citizen Kane - GC1WMWD.

Who usually goes with you when you go caching?
Oh heck... my boyfriend... a friend's kid - mgr98... the Garrett family... lately mfs911 has been my caching pal... and I don't mind going solo.

How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up?
Right... I don't... it seems that I don't have the patience nor the brain power.

What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in?
In Arkansas... everywhere... I like finding the cache that is hidden in plain sight... right in the middle of a busy city.... I like finding the ammo can out in BFE... and I absolutely love finding a cache in an old out of the way cemetery... I suppose I am truly addicted... I like caching everywhere!

Do you do paperless caching?
yes... paperless... most of the time I just use cgeo on my phone... the only times I make a paper copy and use my GPS is when I don't have signal or I'm out of the country.

What kind of geocaching rig do you use?
my Samsung Galaxy phone... my Garmin e-trex 10... and my truck

Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching?
Geocaching will get you off the couch and out of the house... if you try it a few times, and especially if you go with an experienced cacher, you will see things and go places that you would otherwise never experience.

Where are you originally from?
I was born in Riverside, California... I've lived all over the United States.

In what states have you geocached?
Arkansas... Nevada... Florida... Alabama... Indiana... New York... Mississippi... Oklahoma... Missouri... Kentucky

What was your first event ever attended? I
t was 1-30-2014... GC4X2Z9... the January CAGE event.

How many caches have you found? 1480

Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest?
An ammo can is always nice... The kid in me likes going through the swag... The cache that takes me to an old cemetery that time and progress is slowly forgetting... The cache that stays hidden in plain sight with all the hustle and bustle all around it... and it doesn't matter the size or location... I like to read the logs... especially the older ones.

What was the most famous cache that you have found?
Gorilla Stash GC1B

Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries?

Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby?
Finding... without a doubt... but it is really nice to read a log where someone has written that they enjoyed your hide.

Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide?
Not always... sometimes a location just needs a cache. I have this little music series that I'm building... The artist is the cache name and the cache is the song title... I like doing those... It isn't always easy to make a cache that equals a song title.

What is your favorite type of cache hide?
The ones in my music series, I guess the answer to the question is that I don't have a type preference.

What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?
I'm not sure... I'm probably way behind, whatever it is... If you can maintain them... keep hiding them... but my number one rule is that this is not a job... finding or hiding... It has to stay fun.

How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby?
Some friends joined us on a vacation trip in Florida... One of them pulled up this list on the phone... and their daughter had this little keyring animal with a numbered tag attached to it... She said that they wanted to drop it off while they were in Florida... It's goal was to go to different beaches... That was the seed... A few months later I was looking for my own smilies... My first was on the road to visit these same friends.

What's your favorite geocache?
Oh my goodness... I'm not sure I can pick just one... I love Zonkey GC25WE6... What once was... Throwback Thursday GC62WFN... There are so many that I have just really truly enjoyed... I can't name them all here.

If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching?
I would cache in every country.

Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
Typically a group is more fun... always nice to share the experience with people you like.

How many First to Finds do you have?
I have no idea.

Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?
Maybe not... I don't know how many I have... I think my notifications are set to fifty miles.

Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching? I like to travel around a bit... camping is good... fishing too.

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April 2017 Geocacher Profile

Apr 02, 2017 - 10:41 AM - by MathSeeker
The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Jean Kennedy aka MSHippie should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

What is your geocaching name? MSHippie

How did you choose your handle? I wanted to keep a little bit of my home state with me. It is a play on how a born and bred Mississippian pronounces Mississippi, with 3 syllables rather than 4. It could also be read as Ms. Hippie or Mississippi Hippie. Just fun play on words.

How long have you been geocaching?
Joined in 2007, first cache found in 2009

How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?
I looked for the one nearest to my home – Sophia’s Dyer Park. It has since been archived.

Who usually goes with you when you go caching? One, two, or all three of my daughters, collectively known as ARgeokid

How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up? Not very long, really depends on what type of puzzle it is…I am terrible at math and triangulating but I love trivia and history.

What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in? I love the caches that are in parks or hiking trails but I have stuck mostly to Alma and surrounding towns.

Do you do paperless caching? yes

What kind of geocaching rig do you use? Not sure how to answer this one…my car or my GPS? I prefer using my Garmin Colorado, but for convenience I use the Geocaching app on my old Iphone 4s. My cachemobile rig is a Subaru Outback.

Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching? Without a doubt

Where are you originally from? Jackson, MS

In what states have you geocached? AR, OK, LA, MS

What was your first event ever attended? 04/20/2013 Lake Louemma CITO by Jffok

How many caches have you found? 696+, I have been lax in logging my finds over the last few months.

Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest? Traditional ammo can

What was the most famous cache that you have found?
Well, I will have to decide that by the cache that has the most favorite points because I don’t believe that I have really found a famous cache – Studs R Plumb by Yazzman.

Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries? Both

Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby? Finding

Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide? I haven’t hidden any myself.

What is your favorite type of cache hide? I love the ones that are in the middle of poison ivy and/or black locust trees.

What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?
Seems like some people are more cut out to hide than others. I would prefer fewer well thought out hides that offer a little challenge than a lot of micro skirt lifters just to make one’s numbers increase.

How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby? Not really sure. I must have read about it somewhere.

What's your favorite geocache? Frisco #4003 (1919-1952)

If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching? Australia

Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
I would prefer a group but I mostly end up going alone.

How many First to Finds do you have? None ☹

Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?

Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching? Playing video games and reading

Thanks for allowing me to share my Geocaching story
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March 2017 Geocacher Profile

Mar 02, 2017 - 5:35 PM - by MathSeeker
The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Chris Wilks aka Cnwilks should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

What is your geocaching name?

How did you choose your handle?
First two initials and last name. Creative, I know.

How long have you been geocaching?
Since October 2014, but I had actually set up an account in 2011 when I had first heard about the hobby, so it took me a while to get around to hunting for my first one.I wish that I had started earlier when I was hiking more frequently, but this gives me a good excuse to go hit those trails again.

How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?

I live in west Little Rock, and I took off on foot looking for
GC1XDBJ, which is hidden on the sign for a shopping center on W. Markham. I then looked in vain for GC4E577, and also came up dry. So I walked to Waffle House, and after dinner, I moseyed up to the sprawling campus of Immanuel Baptist Church where I finally got on the board with "Light on a hill" GC30G0 I started to get frustrated with that one as well, and then I learned that lamp post skirts can be lifted. The rest, as they say, is history.

Who usually goes with you when you go caching?
I usually fly solo, but KSDS97 and bUTCH46 have invited me along a couple of times, and my friend ARKEkey from SWAG took me and Summitlady along on a maintenance run on her island caches on Lake Hamilton. I've also been on a couple of RV vacations with my family, and they have helped me hunt on numerous occasions, most notably helping me log all 43 caches on a NASCAR Related GeoArt puzzle that runs the length of Speedway Blvd at Talladega Super Speedway. That trip was memorable, because multiple muggles would pop up and point out where to look.

How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up?
I'd much rather solve puzzles than go after a bunch of skirt lifters and power trails. I'd be remiss
if I didn't mention the dream that we all share to be able to solve Flowten's and Woodwalker's puzzles unassisted, but I feel no less pride in emailing them for a nudge. Every now and then, one of them will toss out a softball that I can solve on my own, but I know that Chuck and Pat are more interested in challenging us than stumping us, and help is an email away. The same is true for my puzzle caches...help is an email away.

What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in?
I enjoy caching on the road, and try to get one every time that I travel out of state. But I'm something of a homebody, and it amazes me how many local caches that I have yet to go after. Please keep them coming in the Little Rock area, and I'll do the same. I particularly recommend going after Doublenickel8's dead presidents series in Hillcrest...he's a very crafty hider, and finishing his series is a lot like caching bootcamp.

Do you do paperless caching?
Yes...I used hard copies in the early days, but those days are long over.

What kind of geocaching rig do you use?
iPhone 5s, and a Garmin Oregon 600 (they were marked down to about $129 at Academy Sports, but I haven't used it as much as my phone, which I have at all times….Summitlady bought the same one, and we give each other a hard time for not using it enough)

Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching?

For starters, it's an inexpensive hobby that will appeal to people who like to hunt for treasure and solve puzzles. Premium membership costs $30 a year, and if you're interested in hiding caches, creativity and craftsmanship are a lot more important than money. Most importantly, it's a great way to make some new friends through clubs like CAGE and SWAG.

Where are you originally from?

Born and raised in Little Rock. Proud graduate of McClellan High in '92 and Arkansas State in 96'

In what states have you geocached?
Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Alabama, Nevada

What was your first event ever attended?
November 2014 at Whole Hog in NLR. My door prize was waterproof log sheets, and I still have most of them.

How many caches have you found?

Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest?
It’s fun to find large ones full of swag and TBs, but as an urban cacher, mostly I find micros.

What was the most famous cache that you have found?
GC4E07-The man in black, a virtual cache at the Dale Earnhardt statue outside of Daytona International Speedway.

Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries?
Disposable when I have a choice..I try to be green as much as I can, but rechargeable batteries develop memories.

Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby?

That’s a tough question. I guess I’ll say finding them, but when someone finds one of mine, I always enjoy reading the log, and getting confirmation that it wasn’t muggled. For the same reason, I love when new logs get posted for my TBs. I currently have two in the UK, and a few that have racked up a lot of miles in the US.

Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide?
Not really...my first few were based around places where I had some personal history, or that had a great story. I also like looking for street names that tie in with a movie or TV show that I like, and I try to keep them close enough that I can maintain them. I made a couple of baseball related puzzle caches, and based on the early response, decided to make a whole series. I also have an idea for a series of caches based on The Walking Dead...it’s not my favorite show, but there are enough streets in central AR that share their name with characters from the show. I’d like to get a little more creative with containers in the future, and find a way to hide more containers big enough to trade TBs.

What is your favorite type of cache hide?
As much as I love puzzles, finding the container is usually a bit anticlimactic. The first time I found a fake electrical cover was pretty exciting. I love the caches that are hidden in plain sight, and there’s nothing like finding one with a really unusual container...the most recent one that made me smile was “More cowbell” GC6HTCH by Crittercache. She doesn’t have a ton of them out there, but I enjoy her creativity. And even though I still haven’t found it yet, GC5KH2F “Easiest cache ever” made me chuckle on the first hunt. I have no truck with finding film cans and contact lens cases, but it’s always fun to find something a bit more unusual.I love the meet and greets, and try not to miss them. I also enjoy hunting for caches in cemeteries, because I believe that the dead people enjoy the company.

Out of all your hides, what are your personal favorites that you take pride in?

My baseball series of puzzle caches. I just wish that more people would go get them.

What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?

As many as you can maintain. I have about 25 active, which seems like a small number, until you start getting DNFs on them and have to go check them out. I get a little frustrated at my local map, because of all the neglected caches hidden by inactive COs.

How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby?
I had heard about it a long time ago, and always suspected that it would be an activity that I would enjoy. Once I finally got out there and looked, I was hooked. One of the first things that I liked was having an excuse to pull into places that I had been driving by for years.

What's your favorite geocache?
GC5AE5K-”Matt’s Homerun”. I chickened out at least a couple of times before claiming my prize. I’ll also give an honorable mention to GC4GEA1”Old Ironside” in Memphis. I don’t remember being scared of heights as a kid, but even a short climb is a different story now. But I inked the log on both.

If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching?
Rome, Paris, London, Tokyo, Australia, Dubai...those are the places where I’d go if money was no object (for starters), not necessarily driven by caching.

Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
I haven’t been caching with others very much, but it’s always nice to go hunting with people who are more patient finders.

How many First to Finds do you have?
About 6-8...none recently

Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?
I used to be, and had a friendly rivalry with CacheiusClay for a while. I drove 10-15 miles a couple of times to get one.

Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching?
Filmmaking, writing, and cooking. I haven’t played them in a while, but I have a couple of drumsets stacked up in my garage, and one of these days I wouldn’t mind playing in a bar band again.

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