View Full Version : Visiting this weekend

07-31-2006, 10:34 AM
Hi all....I'm going to be visiting the Ft. Smith/Van Buren area this coming weekend. I plan on doing some caching, not TOOOO much, because it is a time to visit my mom with my two daughters.

So my question is, are there any 'MUST DO' caches in the area? Keep in mind that its 100 degrees so long hikes really aren't in the pictures :D


08-04-2006, 08:05 PM
If you are out for the smilies...the caches in Fort Chaffee (for the most part) are easier park and grabs. Several cachers have stocked Chaffee so there are plently to choose from as well.

I find that if you print off the locations of the caches on a map of Chaffee it makes it easier and you are not back tracking to go to the next cache since the closest cache is as the crow flies not the next one on that street.

I make a trip out to Chaffee every now and then and pick up a few at a time. (The kids tire out before I do or I would do more in one setting!!)

08-06-2006, 04:52 PM
Hello tx_secsy,
I hope you enjoyed your visit to the “Natural State” and I hope you had the opportunity to find a few of those ‘Must Do” caches also.
Welcome to our group and I hope you drop back by.