View Full Version : Topo maps vs street maps

03-08-2006, 10:38 AM
My new 60Cx is on it's way and I'm trying to decide what software I want to buy for it since my Magellan Mapsend isn't compatible.

I've been using the SporTrak Pro with the streetmaps and like having all the roads listed for when I'm in a town I'm not familiar with, but I think the topo maps would be really handy in the woods which is where I prefer to do most of my caching.

I've heard that the topo maps don't have the turn-by-turn/auto-routing function that the streetmaps do, but wouldn't a topo map still at least show the roads? I've never had a turn-by-turn feature anyway because the SporTrak doesn't have that function so it's not much of an issue as long as the roads are shown.

Are there any other issues I should consider, or third party software makers I should look at? (i.e. National Geographic?)


03-08-2006, 06:36 PM
My new 60Cx is on it's way and I'm trying to decide what software I want to buy for it since my Magellan Mapsend isn't compatible.


If you want to take advantage of autorouting in the eTrex and 60 Cx series, you need City Select or City Navigator ( or an older version of Metroguide 4). A new version of CN is supposed to be out this summer and at that time CS will be dropped. You can also load the Garmin topo maps at the same time.

This will allow you route and navigate with the street maps and then switch to the topo when you get to the woods. Streets are shown on the topo but without names and can be hard to read with all the contour lines.


03-08-2006, 08:40 PM
If you used Magellan's topo software(as I with my first GPS), you will be disappointed with Mapsource Topo mainly because the road labeling is poor and the navigation stinks. I have a 60c/s and do as Rich, loading both City select and topo then switch between the two. This way you have the city and country covered. I also have MS S&T on my PDA which is additional help in urban areas. Keep us posted on the CSX. A number of the CS users are skeptical about the battery pack and loss of some "bells and whistles" found on the CS. On the plus side, the antenna apparently is very sensitive. Good luck.

03-09-2006, 04:12 PM
We have a 60CS and we load both City Select and Topo on the GPSr. If I had to give up one it would be Topo. CS allows autorouting, Topo does not. That is all we need to know. No contest. Good luck with your decision....poppy