View Full Version : Prayers needed for Christopher Moore, pizzaboy2600!

06-10-2022, 10:19 AM
Posts from Kristie on Facebook:

Thursday, June 9, 2022
Update: Thursday 3:30 pm. He has been taken back for surgery. Keep the good stuff coming!

Update: Thursday 9:15 am. Keep the thoughts and prayers coming because they are working. Not out of the woods yet, but he did well overnight. Another surgery today at 5. He’s responsive and spelling words using letters on my shirt.

Wednesday evening: Christopher and I need y’all’s thoughts, prayers, smoke, whatever good stuff you can send our way. Mostly his way. He’d hate that I’m doing this but he had emergency surgery today. ICU nurse said it was a miracle that he made it through it. He will have at least two or more surgeries in the next couple days but I am hopeful the worst is behind him. He is tough. I believe. I am scared shitless but I believe. I don’t want to go into details here, but please send all the good stuff his way. I love him so damn much. I hope and I believe.

Thursday, June 9, 2022
Update: Christopher’s surgery today went great! I am hopeful and positive. Please keep all the good stuff coming, I do believe it’s working. Not out of the woods yet, but everyone is much more positive today. Another surgery early in the morning and one next week too. I am exhausted and trying to reply to everyone, but it’s getting harder. Please spread the word and the love. I can’t thank y’all enough!

Friday, June 10, 2022
Friday 9:30 am update: Christopher is doing well and “talking” with head nods and hand squeezes. No surgery today. They are going to give him a day of rest and let his blood pressure try and get a bit higher. His color looks way better today. ICU Nurse and surgeon both say he is doing really well. I can’t say enough nice things about his surgeon Dr. Mwanza, that man is a balm to the soul and I told him as much this morning. And Shradha, who has been his daytime ICU nurse is just the best. Explains everything and says I’m never in the way although I know I am. I thank each and every one of you for all the good thoughts!

Please be in prayer for Chris and Kristie! I don’t know what happened or is going on, but I do know they need our prayers.

06-10-2022, 02:29 PM
Friday, 6/10/2022 update
Update: Friday 2:20 pm. ICU doc just came by We still need all the good stuff sent Christopher’s way. Y’all keep coming through. They are still really concerned over his blood pressure and kidney levels. Not out of woods yet.

06-11-2022, 05:07 AM
Our prayers and thoughts are with both Chris and Kristie.

06-13-2022, 11:24 AM
Christopher update 10 a.m. He has been extubated! Tubes are out! Tears of joy gushing out at hearing his voice for the first time since last Wednesday! ICU doc said progress and smiled. It’s good seeing her smile because she hasn’t always. Still need swelling down. But baby steps today. Baby steps.

Christopher update Monday 8:45 a.m. Hes swollen and they’re worried he might have a bit of an infection. Ran cultures and giving antiobiotics, but we need it to clear up. They will wait to close him up once swelling is down but may be in the next day or two. Ventilator may come out today, he is able to breathe on his own it was just in there for surgery purposes from what I understand. He is thrilled about the idea of getting that tube out. So fingers crossed on that! He held my face when I came in his morning. Send all your good energy and prayers for this infection to clear and swelling to go down.

06-23-2022, 03:37 AM
Had anyone heard an update on Christopher since the last post?

06-23-2022, 10:59 AM
Last update according to Kristie on June 21st:
Christopher update Tuesday 11:30 am: the surgeon, Dr. Eckes, came in and said so far looking good and he was extubated this morning!! So He can once again talk! Well, sparingly, but still. He didn’t sleep well last night, but hopefully getting a bit of rest now while I‘m taking a lunch break. Happy Summer Solstice!

06-29-2022, 06:14 PM
Update from Christopher Moore today on Facebook:

I am not one who talks about myself or my personal issues very easily. But I have been very very touched and moved by the support that all of you have shown to me and my family over the past 3 weeks. Well, we have one more big one to pass along. Probably the hardest sentence I'll ever have to write in my entire life, but it is confirmed I do have Colorectal Cancer.

I am still in the hospital getting better from the 5 surgeries and at some point will go through some more intense rehab after lying in bed all this time. After all this emergency stuff is taken care of they will begin developing my cancer treatment plan and we will go from there.

I would encourage those of you 45 and older to go get your colonoscopies! Get your butt checked!

If you have any questions, ask. It may take me a bit to respond. Again, thank you for all the outpouring of support during this time!

06-30-2022, 07:40 AM
Thanks for providing this update, Judy. I was offline for a couple of weeks early in June, when this all broke, and just looked at the ArkGeo website yesterday for the first time in about a month. I was shocked by what I read. I don't do Facebook or other social media, so I appreciate the information being passed along here.

Chris, i don't know if you will see this message. If not, I hope someone will pass it along to you. Be strong, man! You can beat this. My prayers are being offered for you. But if there is anything I can do for you or Kristie, don't hesitate to ask. Van Buren / Ft. Smith is not that far away.

07-01-2022, 04:48 PM
Thanks for providing this update, Judy. I was offline for a couple of weeks early in June, when this all broke, and just looked at the ArkGeo website yesterday for the first time in about a month. I was shocked by what I read. I don't do Facebook or other social media, so I appreciate the information being passed along here.

Chris, i don't know if you will see this message. If not, I hope someone will pass it along to you. Be strong, man! You can beat this. My prayers are being offered for you. But if there is anything I can do for you or Kristie, don't hesitate to ask. Van Buren / Ft. Smith is not that far away.

Passed along… following was their reply:
That’s really nice. Pass along (if you’re able) that we said thank you!!
Really do appreciate it