View Full Version : Moratorium on New Geocaches Due to COVID-19

04-05-2020, 03:45 PM
Although there is currently no state-wide “stay at home” order from Arkansas Governor Hutchinson in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the continuing rise of COVID-19 cases in Arkansas and in consideration of “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America”, it is prudent to revise the reviewing practices for the State of Arkansas effective April 5, 2020.

Until such time as safe practices to prevent the spread of the virus are no longer considered necessary, only new geocaches in those locations which are consistent with social distancing will be published, such as locations in extremely remote areas, on hiking trails not within city parks, and/or far from residential areas and businesses within or close to cities and towns. Caches in or near residential areas, caches near businesses, or caches in locations that are officially closed will not be published. If there is uncertainty about a particular cache location, caution will prevail and the cache will not be published. While this approach may be imperfect, it is consistent with the Federal guidelines and preferable to stopping all cache publication within the state.

Your understanding in these unprecedented times is greatly appreciated.

Reference: Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki for Arkansas (https://wiki.groundspeak.com/display/GEO/Arkansas)

05-05-2020, 07:06 PM
Check the Wiki article for the latest update on the moratorium, which concerns the expected end dates for geocaches and events.