View Full Version : Geowoodstock XVIII

05-27-2019, 06:39 PM
Okay, we now know that Geowoodstock XVIII will be in British Columbia August 22, 2020. This will be the first International Geowoodstock and I was wondering who might be making plans to go. There are going to be lots of activities going on in the area leading up to, during, and after Geowoodstock. The weekend before there will be a Lost & Found event at Geocaching HQ on Saturday August 15th. Then on Sunday the 16th there will be an APE event for those who have not found the APE cache. Several other events will follow during the week leading up to Geowoodstock. The following week on August 26th they are planning a 7 day geocaching cruise to Alaska. WOW!! What a fantastic couple of weeks this is going to be. Mathseeker and I are already making plans. Who else might go?????

01-19-2020, 09:53 PM
We are going, already have plans to be at the event at the Seattle center the week before, planning on going to the ape event, but I haven't seen that one published yet, then going to Geowoodstock, then going on the cruise to Alaska, already have our reservation for that, plan on coming back home across Canada and pick up several provinces on the way back, supposed to be a geocaching trip at one of the stops on the ship to get cache in the Yukon, going to be a busy month