View Full Version : Geowoodstock XVII Location

05-26-2018, 01:45 PM
Announced a few minutes ago. Next year Geowoodstock will be in Ft. Worth, Tx the weekend of memorial day. Looking forward to seeing lots of Arkansas geocachers there.

05-30-2018, 01:41 PM
With GWS XVII being so close to Arkansas, I hope Arkansas will have a huge turnout. I am hoping to be the Arkansas Ambassador again this year. If I am or not, I will be promoting GeoWoodstock because I always enjoy it! I have the time to spend promoting GeoWoodstock since I am retired.

06-03-2018, 02:29 PM
Mathseeker, You did a great job as GWS Ambassador this past year. Thank you for all your time, work, and commitment to geocaching. We are lucky to have GWS 2019 planned so close to our state.

06-08-2018, 11:13 AM
I hope I can attend this one since it’s so close! 😀

06-08-2018, 01:12 PM
Kimberly, hope to see you there. Glad to see you posting on the forums too.