View Full Version : Puzzle: Tip or trick

04-20-2015, 07:54 PM
I came across something in Puzzle Cache Listing today and thought I would pose a question so you could expand your Puzzle Horizons. This puzzle was nowhere near Arkansas so I won't be giving away any secrets of the local tricksters. So here goes

The given North Coordinates are N 35 28.432
The given puzzle info is this string of symbols !# )%.%^$
So what are the correct North Coordinates? Can you figure it out?

04-20-2015, 08:23 PM
Just a quick guess: 35 27.786 ?

04-21-2015, 07:59 AM
Substituting the numbers that correspond to the symbols on the keyboard I get: 13 05.564

04-21-2015, 11:15 AM
I agree - N35 27.786

04-21-2015, 02:10 PM
If you use the given north coordinates and subtract the symbols on the keyboard you get 22 22.868 OR if you add it would be 48 33.996 OR as BS/ML stated and just use the symbols on the keyboard and get 13 05.564. Just my two cents worth!

04-21-2015, 03:17 PM
Think about what you need. You know you need N35 2(most likely). Look at what he has given you. How do you get there?

04-21-2015, 08:56 PM
Ask yourself this question, What is the maximum change the North Coordinates will have plus and minus. North coordinate is latitude and it is always equal distance between degrees. So if you are at the equator or 0 degrees and go to 1 degree it will be the same distance as at 89 degrees and go to 90 degrees. The space between the lines of latitude never change it is always constant. A mystery cache final position should be no more than 2 miles from the given position. This equates to N 00 01.735 or 1.735 minutes maximum change in the North coordinates every where on planet earth. Add and subtract that from the given coordinates and it will tell you if and by how much the first 3 numbers will change. Now will the North degree of N 35 change, if so by how much, or will it stay the same?

04-22-2015, 12:32 PM
Think about what you need. You know you need N35 2(most likely). Look at what he has given you. How do you get there?

Ask yourself this question, What is the maximum change the North Coordinates will have plus and minus. North coordinate is latitude and it is always equal distance between degrees. So if you are at the equator or 0 degrees and go to 1 degree it will be the same distance as at 89 degrees and go to 90 degrees. The space between the lines of latitude never change it is always constant. A mystery cache final position should be no more than 2 miles from the given position. This equates to N 00 01.735 or 1.735 minutes maximum change in the North coordinates every where on planet earth. Add and subtract that from the given coordinates and it will tell you if and by how much the first 3 numbers will change. Now will the North degree of N 35 change, if so by how much, or will it stay the same?

Ouch!!! I think I'm getting a headache!

(Raises Hand) Teacher, may I be excused, I think my brain is full.

Okay, okay, just kidding. Puzzles are really not my thing. I have only recently started trying to attempt puzzle caches and have had to simply shake my head in dispair as I try to figure some of them out. There are a few that I have been successful with and a few that admittedly I had to just shake my head even harder and then beg for assistance. As with all things, there is a learning curve and maybe, just maybe, I too will get around the bend and they will come easier to me one of these days. My previous post was just the first thing that popped into my head and what my "poor, feeble" mind keeps going back to. For this particular puzzle, I will claim ignorance of all things navigational. I know how to work the garmin but not the things that make the garmin work. Note to self: Should have paid more attention to map reading class in cub scouts. ;) I will say this though. I will remain diligent and continue to make the attempts even if I still don't quite get the subtle nudges from those with more experience. Also, to those with more experience and wherewithal, Thank You for the nudges and other help that you provide!

04-24-2015, 09:05 PM
With this problem there are only a couple of items to remember.
1: North Coordinates will never change by more than 1.735 minutes
2: Use this to see what the North Minutes +/- change is.
Given N 35 28.432 + N 00 01.735 = N 35 30.167
Given N 35 28.432 - N 00 01.735 = N 35 26.697
The final will be Between N 35 30.167 and N 35 26.697
Which mean the first 2 digits must be 35, Given !# )%.%^$ means !=3, #=5 but the keyboard has !=1, #=3.
The difference is that the number needed is shifted two keys to the right, now apply that to the rest and get the needed North Coordinates.

04-27-2015, 11:29 AM
@KSDS97 Thank you for taking me by the hand and walking me slowly through that! Seriously, that is my problem most of the time. I will have this great "It's so obvious" moment for the first step and then it is like standing on the edge precipice for that crucial second step and I freeze up and can't seem to get any further. When I read your most recent explanation it was a "face/palm" moment. It makes feel like I did when I was a kid trying to figure out word problems in math. I think word problems are my "Achilles Heel" along with these puzzle caches. Given enough time I may have eventually worked it out, but it would have been awhile before that oh so wonderful "AHA" experience. Thank you for adding a new wrinkle to my brain and a new tool of knowledge to my tool box.