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05-06-2005, 07:34 AM
I found this url on another web site. Could this be the oldest cache in Arkansas ?

05-06-2005, 07:42 AM
I believe you are right. You can get a list of all Arkansas caches sorted by date if you go to the "Hide & Seek A Cache" page and put in Arkansas. This cache is the last one on the list.

By the way, ArkGeo's very own GeoArk1 owns three of the top five oldest caches in Arkansas...

05-06-2005, 12:15 PM
You are correct. And according to the following webpage, it is the 19th oldest active cache in the world.

The World's Oldest 100 Geocaches (http://members.cox.net/pkpublic/index.html)


05-06-2005, 06:39 PM
When we were trying to get information together for our "Jakes Event" last year, we contacted Hydee from Groundspeak for information on where this cache ranked at as far as oldest caches. We knew that it was one of the first to be placed.

She told us that from May until Sept., 2000, the GC waypoints were assigned at random and not in a specfic order so they could not pinpoint it exactly but knew that it was in the first 75 caches ever placed.

We're tickled to see that someone has gone thru the effort of tracking the historic caches even further and has come up with a website to track the original caches.

This was our 1st cache to find and we're glad to say that the owner still enjoys seeing people look for his cache. He found out about geocaching thru a flying magazine.

Glad that this was brought up in the forum. And thanks to RuffRidr for posting a link to the other caches - some of them have really surprised us, we have to finish checking them out (Colby, KS?????)

05-06-2005, 07:56 PM
Gorilla was the second cache we found on a trip up in the northern tier of the State. Tour de Scott was the first cache we found here in central Arkansas. That was in early 2001 when there were only 3 in the State then, with KP in Mt Home area being the third. We cashed in on both those caches and place Gunner Pool.

We want to thank all those from the ArkGeo Group and all those from within and outside the State who have "found" our caches.

We also thank all of you who have placed caches that we have enjoyed and for those that we have not yet found.
