07-09-2013, 11:28 AM
S.W.A.G. has worked with the Fountain Lake School East Lab class on a geocaching film. They have been asked to do a presentation at an East Lab Seminar on July 18th. In turn, Fountain Lake has asked us to have an exhibit booth on Geocaching. As I understand at this point, this seminar will be for all areas of the state. I believe we will be there to answer questions and hand out information as to how geocaching can be used in the schools. A group of us from Hot Springs & Apache Scout & Suzi Q from Russellville will man the booth and would like to invite others from your area of the state to join us. It might give you an opportunity to work with some of your local schools on their projects. It will be at the Embassy Suites on Financial Center Parkway from 11:00 to 4:00. I will give more information as I receive it. All are welcome to help us out.