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View Full Version : March 25th and March 26th

03-19-2010, 08:08 PM
So I'm planning two day trips next week during Spring Break, one down to Russellville and the Ola trail on Thursday, March 25th, and another on Friday the 26th to Hot Springs/Jessieville to go after the Jesseville powertrail, and enough in HS to get the 100 in a day/100 stars challenge caches that gingerose put out.

Anyone want to go with or meet up for either of those two runs? I'd be leaving early-ish on Friday to get down there. Thursday, not as early, but my goal is to after Friday have 1000 finds, and I'm currently exactly 170 finds away, and I would love to also include meeting up with a few cachers as well.

03-19-2010, 09:46 PM
I've been planning the Main-Haul series, + that big loop around the Canoe-Gang's territory ever since last deer season for the same purpose .... 100 in a day. I think I mapped out around 115 of them back then. But that included some around south Ouachita area, & about 6-8 on LTC's loop, which I found at the recent Ouachita event.

However, since I made that map, QC has added several more to that trail, to make up for the ones I found. So it's probably still very close to 115. I figured that was a good number, since I don't average anywhere near 15 out of 115 as DNF's.

I'm at 870-something now, & want to hit 1,000 at MOGA on my April 11th birthday. So 100 now will put me within 30 of that .... easy enough for me to just set back & catch any local FTF's that I can between then & then.

But seems like I have something going on for the 26th .... not sure. Give me till tomorrow to check & make sure, then I'll let you know more firmly. If someone else further away from Jessieville, or local to you, wants to tag along rather than me, that'll be fine. I'm close enough to do those on about any day I want to.

But if you can't find a buddy, I'll most definitely be one. Might help out both of us in making 100% sure we get the 100-in-a-day, having some help.

I don't think I can help you much on the Ola one however, cause:

1. I own it.

2. Bruce hid almost 1/2 of those, & he's too good. I can't even find 2 or 3 of those.....and they belong to ME!! Funny thing is, no one else seems to have a problem on those, so maybe it's not funny. :oops: :lol:

03-20-2010, 12:30 PM
yeah, for the longest time I was debating what i was going to do for Friday...Do the main haul loop and then try to fly down to get the GPS maze cache, or just do the jussieville and N. Hot springs area. I decided to just do the latter because it wasn't terribly bad, and it meant a lot less travel tim in between major goals (not to also take into account I'd be driving back to Fort Smith that night)

Main Haul will be another weekend one of these days.

03-21-2010, 02:01 PM
So astrodav, what's Friday look like?


03-21-2010, 02:39 PM
Well, I still didn't figure out what that thing I thought I might have going on was .... so I guess that means I have nothing going on. Sounds like a good excuse to geocache. Where/when do you want to meet up? 8)

03-22-2010, 12:46 PM
PM me a phone number and a time when I can call you tonight and we'll talk. :)

03-24-2010, 01:37 PM
have fun :D

03-27-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm cached out!

186 caches over the two days, and I started Thursday with 830....so, you can figure out why this two day binge has a bit of special bliss for me.

03-27-2010, 02:54 PM
I haven't yet counted mine exactly, too much tired to count. But it looks to be from 105-110 found yesterday .... + about 5 DNF's which we spent alot of time at & looked hard for .... + hiding 1 cache of my own .... + driving Ash to about 10-15 which I had already found previously.

03-27-2010, 06:55 PM
Sounds like you guys had fun! Sorry I couldn't be around to greet y'all, but Grandma's 86th birthday called, and I had to be there.
Of course it didn't hurt that there were good ol' fashioned Kansas farm gal made pies and ham and pies, and brisket and pies, and potatoes, and pies and .......did I mention pies made by good ol' farm gals for the shindig? :D :D :D
I love caching, but homemade pie and grandma......well guys, there is no shame in finishing second here. :D :D :D

03-27-2010, 10:45 PM
I was with the cpdenton gang and we did the main haul road starting in Paron and by the time we stopped for lunch in Jessieville (The Shack is GREAT), they had 70+ finds (I had already done the bottom half so my total was 30 less). Then we headed to Hot Springs and did a bunch of GingerRose caches and by the end of the day they had 150 and I had 110 (plus we signed a few challenge cache logs that we had to complete later). We were back in Conway before 10 that night. It was a fun day of caching and we had no DNFs. I didn't think I'd ever have a 100 cache find day, especially in a place I'd cached before.

03-27-2010, 10:50 PM
nope, can't really beat that.

03-27-2010, 11:26 PM
nope, can't really beat that.

Not gonna try .... except MAYBE that E.T. Trail coming up north of Area 51. :lol: