View Full Version : Assorted Things To Share.

03-08-2010, 08:28 PM
For those of you who set up events, or plan to, WorldCaching will give you a free coin for that event. There's only 200 made evidently, so the offer may be limited. It MIGHT actually be already over....dunno. And I'm sure they will require some sort of verification, like possibly being an officer of a geo-association:


Old Time Wooden Nickle Company will give ANYONE 4 free "Support Our Troops" tuits. They require you to send them a SASE, rather than just request them by e-mail & wire some postage money:


I'm not EXACTLY sure how this works, since I haven't read it thoroughly yet. But it seems you can put out a request to have one of your long-lost Travelers "rescued". I'm not sure yet if it can be an, "I don't know where my Love-Bug is, so will you find it for me?" ... or if it has to be a, "Love-Bug is stuck in the North Korean Unobtainable TB Prison & I need someone to sneak across the DMZ to get it for me."

I'm also assuming that you can peruse their site & choose captive Travelers in your caching location to rescue, then report when you have done so. I'm not sure if the suggested modus operandi is to keep them in possession until you receive instructions from the owner as to what he wants done ..... or to simply drop them in another more commonly visited cache. I assume the latter, but as I said, I haven't yet delved into the depths of the site.

I can see where the "Mine needs rescued" portion could be very useful for all of us with Travelers, when one of them gets thrown in a cache that isn't visited but once per decade. There MIGHT even be a method on here to put out alerts for Travelers which have actually gone completely missing.....whereabouts unknown. Not sure however.

And too, I can see where the "These bugs need rescued" portion could prove to be a very popular activity for those of us, like myself, who like to visit difficult caches. It would either give that one little extra bit of encouragement to attempt that Level 5.5 cache which has been bugging you for so long, or even to re-visit a remote cache we found 2 years ago, with that spectacular view from the mountain-top:


Of all of these offers, please support the last one at the very least, if it's only giving them a visit-hit. These little extra "geo-fun" sites add even more neat things to our already exciting sport. And a simple "Thanks for your Geo-Support" e-mail to the other 2 would let them know that we DO notice little things like this & do appreciate them.

That's all 4 now.

03-15-2010, 08:43 AM
i pick up one over the weekend and i am still learning of the coins,ect...
this one shows ATMA ! !(Drivin us both cache crazy) since Aug 2005.
There is no # numbers just the coin do you know of what it is ??

03-15-2010, 11:17 AM
i pick up one over the weekend and i am still learning of the coins,ect...
this one shows ATMA ! !(Drivin us both cache crazy) since Aug 2005.
There is no # numbers just the coin do you know of what it is ??What you have is a path tag. ATMA is a caching couple from the Houston, Texas, area. They actually design "path tags" without the tracking number associated with the trackable "path tag" with numbers. Mathseeker, Woodwalker9, and myself that I know of have gotten ATMA to design and make us path tags. They have well over 10,000 cache finds as well. A little different from trackable coins, path tags (those with numbers) are usually only trackable on the path tags website (that and they are much smaller and some have holes in them to wear or hang up).

03-15-2010, 03:21 PM
i pick up one over the weekend and i am still learning of the coins,ect...
this one shows ATMA ! !(Drivin us both cache crazy) since Aug 2005.
There is no # numbers just the coin do you know of what it is ??What you have is a path tag. ATMA is a caching couple from the Houston, Texas, area. They actually design "path tags" without the tracking number associated with the trackable "path tag" with numbers. Mathseeker, Woodwalker9, and myself that I know of have gotten ATMA to design and make us path tags. They have well over 10,000 cache finds as well. A little different from trackable coins, path tags (those with numbers) are usually only trackable on the path tags website (that and they are much smaller and some have holes in them to wear or hang up). 8O 8O 8O 10k cache's~~~ man call them cache warrior's
s0 this ATMA is mind to keep ?,and if it is how can i post that i found it and my account ?

03-15-2010, 04:17 PM
Yes the pathtag is yours to keep or pass along and place in another cache if you like. There is no way to track them or log them. You can, however, email the owner "ATMA" and let them know where and when you found their tag to see just how far they go. That is your option though.

03-16-2010, 05:35 AM
ok i will keep it and hang it up within my GMC truck and lo0k at it every now and again to remind me that if that they can find 10k cache's i will try to do the same//you notice that i put (TRY) :lol: