View Full Version : Maintenance of ParkCaches

01-10-2010, 11:50 AM
The Board is excited to announce a new opportunity that has come our way!

The ParkCache series has been a great success for the Arkansas State Parks (ASP) and for geocaching in Arkansas. However, due to problems with some of the ParkCaches, such as poor coordinates or being missing or in bad shape, the image of the State Parks and geocaching in Arkansas could be tainted. To address this problem, ASP was approached about allowing ArkGeo to partner with the State Parks on maintenance of the caches, on a volunteer basis. ASP was agreeable to this. The proposal was discussed at the ArkGeo Board meeting on Friday, January 8, and the Board unanimously approved a motion to enter into a ParkCache maintenance relationship with the State Parks.

There are still some details and questions that will need to be addressed with ASP, but they have agreed to allow us to maintain the ParkCaches in all 52 State Parks. The only cache they will continue to maintain is the bonus ParkCache, The Grand Finale. If you wish to volunteer to maintain one or more ParkCaches in your local area, please note here in this Forum thread which Parks you are volunteering for. Or send an email to Old River Runner (oldriverrunner@hotmail.com), who has volunteered to coordinate this effort.

This partnership allows ArkGeo an excellent community relationship opportunity. Furthermore, it aligns with ArkGeo’s Vision statement, which states:
Arkansas Geocachers Association exists for the purposes of promoting and improving geocaching in Arkansas. Through education and by example, we are committed to the idea of utilizing this challenging, fulfilling, and family-friendly activity as a means by which we will engage in the conservation of the natural, unspoiled landscapes of the state of Arkansas by encouraging members to maintain the highest level of respect for parks, trails, and other areas in which geocaching may be conducted.
Please help your Association be successful in this undertaking!

For the current list of volunteers, go to this document (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en).

01-10-2010, 01:21 PM
I'll volunteer for Mt .Nebo and Mount Magazine

01-10-2010, 01:28 PM
I'll volunteer for Petit Jean State Park.

01-10-2010, 02:29 PM
I'll take Lake Fort Smith.

01-10-2010, 05:23 PM
I can take Jenken's Ferry since I have family and property in the area. I am over there at least once a month but sometimes as often as once a week.

01-10-2010, 06:59 PM
I can do the Delta Heritage Trail, Louisiana Purchase & Mississippi River State Parks. They are all close by and I pass them frequently. :D

01-10-2010, 07:36 PM
QUESTION........... When do we start maintenance checks on the ParkCaches we volunteered for? And what else will it entail?

01-10-2010, 07:45 PM
QUESTION........... When do we start maintenance checks on the ParkCaches we volunteered for? And what else will it entail?
Wait until I give you the green light. I need to talk with Joe Jacobs at the ASP, get a few questions answered, and then we could get started. I emailed Joe today to let him know the good news. He replied that he had spoken to the parks director the other day and that he liked the idea. He also said that they would like to have everyone who volunteers to fill out a volunteer form and log the hours they spend on it. I'm not sure how often this form would need to be turned in, but that's one of the things I need to cover with him this week or next. I would hope that things could be worked through within 2 weeks.

One other thing - I'm putting together a list of the parks and who is volunteering for each park. I need everyone's real name, your geocaching handle (if different than what you use here), and your email address. Please email this information to me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com. I have this information for everyone who has already responded to this thread except for grzz51, so you don't need to send me the information. However, grzz51, I need your information. I don't see you listed as a voting member, although it looks like your wife is (mz_grzz). Send me an email (or register as a voting member! :D Thanks!

01-10-2010, 07:53 PM
Tell Joe that the ones of us who suffered the joys, pains, and sometimes indignities involved in completing the ParkCache series are still waiting to have a reunion so we can relate all the tall tales we can fabricate. :lol:

01-10-2010, 08:09 PM
I have this information for everyone who has already responded to this thread except for grzz51, so you don't need to send me the information. However, grzz51, I need your information. I don't see you listed as a voting member, although it looks like your wife is (mz_grzz). Send me an email (or register as a voting member! :D Thanks!
Sorry! :oops: I just found your information, grzz51! Looks like you've been registered since 2006! But what I said still applies to future volunteers!

01-10-2010, 08:24 PM
No problem......... I like to run just under the radar...... get in less trouble that way 8)

01-10-2010, 08:36 PM
I've added a link to the original posting by the Board, to show the list of volunteers. This way, everyone can see who has what. We probably should also have volunteers for backup in case the main volunteer has an issue and can't do the maintenance for some reason or other. Let me know if anything is incorrect. Note that I have left the email address information off, for privacy reasons. I will be supplying this information to the State Parks, though, in case they need to get in touch with someone about a particular park.

01-10-2010, 08:38 PM
Racquetball Girl and I would love to volunteer to take over the maintenance of Lake Dardanelle State Park, Nukeworker

01-10-2010, 08:46 PM
2ter and I would happily volunteer for South Arkansas Arboretum and Museum of Natural Resources.

01-10-2010, 09:17 PM
I guess since I got beat to all the ones close by I will have to offer my services as a backup for Lake Dardanelle, Mt Nebo, Petit Jean, or Mt Magazine. These are the only ones within a reasonable distance from a maintenance standpoint.

01-11-2010, 07:44 PM
I could also take care of Lake Ouachita if no one else from the area wants to.

01-11-2010, 07:47 PM
I just looked at the list so I'll go for backup on LOSP.

01-13-2010, 06:51 AM
I will be glad to take care Pinnacle Mountain, Plantation Agricultural Museum, and Toltec Mounds.

01-19-2010, 01:12 AM
Well, since we just found the one at Hobbs State Park, I know where it is I will volunteer to watch that one. How often does it need checking?

This is a post from the Northwest Arkansas cachers forum that I figured needed to be posted here. Glad to see we are getting participation from there.

01-19-2010, 12:03 PM
Email sent. I can take Moro Bay and Poison Springs parks for a few months.

01-19-2010, 08:17 PM
Well, since we just found the one at Hobbs State Park, I know where it is I will volunteer to watch that one. How often does it need checking?

This is a post from the Northwest Arkansas cachers forum that I figured needed to be posted here. Glad to see we are getting participation from there.
I would love to get them involved, but I will need more information than a website logon name to get them signed up. Please have them send me an email with their real name, geocaching name, and email address. Thanks. -- ORR

01-19-2010, 10:21 PM
I posted the original note over there about looking to help since I had a hunch they could help with Hobbs, Prairie Grove and that other one near Hobbs I haven't done yet. I'll send a note for arkienana to contact you.

01-23-2010, 09:53 AM
I've drafted some general guidelines for the ParkCache maintenance program and forwarded them to Joe Jacobs at the Arkansas State Parks for review and comment. The ArkGeo Board also has a copy for review and comment. I have scheduled a phone call with Joe for Monday (Jan. 25) to go over them. I hope to get this information distributed to all the volunteers soon thereafter, and post a link to the guidelines on this forum thread.

For your information, we now have 27 parks with volunteers! Thanks to all who have volunteered your service! That leaves 25 state parks without volunteers, so there's still plenty of opportunity to serve your state and your hobby.

02-09-2010, 08:43 PM
All the close ones are spoken for....both positions on each. But I visit the VA at the Rock at least twice a month, sometimes every week. Pinnacle has both of them filled, but Plantation & Toltec don't.

I can be a back-up on those 2 if needed, or at least until another local volunteers.

02-11-2010, 11:58 AM
Flannelman, we would be glad to take Lake Ouachita State Park since you have volunteered for another location... Just let us know?

02-11-2010, 05:46 PM
Either way is fine with me. I think QC has LOSP and I was going to be a backup. If you want it then go for it!

03-05-2010, 05:22 PM
Old River Runner, what's the latest on the ParkCache status?

03-09-2010, 06:49 PM
Kinda wonderin bout that myself.

03-10-2010, 07:04 PM
I contacted Joe Jacobs a few weeks back and he had not yet looked at the draft guidelines, nor gotten the approval of the Parks Director. Since it was the second time I had asked about the status, I thought I would let it go for a while before I contacted him again. But, frankly :oops: , time has slipped up on me. So I will send him an email tonight and see if he has made any progress. Thanks for asking, though! :D

By the way, we still need lots of volunteers. There are a total of 23 parks which don't have primary volunteers (2 have a backup volunteer). Of these 23 parks, 10 are in the northeast quadrant of the state, 4 are in the southeast quadrant, and the remaining 9 are in the southwest quadrant. So if you are a geocacher living in any of those areas, please consider volunteering for at least one of the parks. Your help is needed!

For the current list of parks without volunteers, go to this document (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en).

Old River Runner

03-10-2010, 09:11 PM
By the way, we still need lots of volunteers. There are a total of 23 parks which don't have primary volunteers (2 have a backup volunteer). Of these 23 parks, 10 are in the northeast quadrant of the state, 4 are in the southeast quadrant, and the remaining 9 are in the southwest quadrant. So if you are a geocacher living in any of those areas, please consider volunteering for at least one of the parks. Your help is needed!

I did not see Old Washington on the list but I can take that one too.

03-10-2010, 09:30 PM
I did not see Old Washington on the list but I can take that one too.
It's there! It's listed as Historic Washington. Send me an email (oldriverrunner@hotmail.com) with your real name, geocaching name, and email address, and I'll add you to the list. Thanks for volunteering!


03-24-2010, 06:46 AM
I will be backup for mathseeker on Plantation Agricultural Museum, and Toltec Mounds

03-24-2010, 04:55 PM
I sent two different emails volunteering to be back up on
Lake Fort Smith State Park

Devil's Den State Park

Apparently the emails never made the right mailbox as I did not get put on the list. I am fairly close to this two parks and will be glad to help with them when needed.

03-24-2010, 10:30 PM
I sent two different emails volunteering to be back up on
Lake Fort Smith State Park

Devil's Den State Park

Apparently the emails never made the right mailbox as I did not get put on the list. I am fairly close to this two parks and will be glad to help with them when needed.
Judy, I never got the emails. I'll add you to the list. If I need any information, I'll get back to you.

Pat, I'll add you also. Thanks to both of you for your service!

I'm still waiting to hear something back from the State Parks. They know we're waiting.

04-12-2010, 03:40 PM
UPDATE: I received an email from the State Parks (Joe Jacobs) today. The parks director is reviewing the proposed maintenance agreement today. It is expected to be finalized and mailed out to ArkGeo soon for an officer's signature. I'm having them mail it to Woodwalker9 since he is the President. Hopefully, we will get things rolling within another week or two!

We still need volunteers for several parks. Check the list. If you can help out, please volunteer!

04-12-2010, 08:13 PM
Hey Frank,

I can do backup on Wooly Hollow and Parkin.


04-12-2010, 08:17 PM
I can volunteer for Mammoth Spring SP and Ozark Folk Ctr SP.
John Auvil, photojunky, photojunky5@gmail.com. Will also have help from cliffmonkey (was lordzodica).

04-13-2010, 02:35 PM
Topkitty & Photojunky,

I've added you both to the list. Thanks for your service!


04-24-2010, 02:19 AM
Good News!

The Arkansas State Parks (ASP) and ArkGeo have signed an agreement for maintenance of the ParkCaches.


Please note that we still have 19 ParkCaches without a volunteer. (See Volunteer List (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en))

If you haven't volunteered, please do so. Just email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com and provide your real name, geocaching name, and which park you are volunteering for.

If you have volunteered already, please help me recruit other volunteers from your geocaching friends.

Let's make this partnership a SUCCESS for geocaching in Arkansas!

OK. Let's get going!


Old River Runner

04-24-2010, 06:52 AM
ORR, I will volunteer to take the ParkCache in Logoly State Park!

04-24-2010, 07:57 AM
I have been in contact this morning with the Superintendent from both of my parks. Thanks to all who had a part in this to help ensure the ParkCache program continues for years and that others can have as much fun as 2ter and I had completing the challenge.

04-24-2010, 03:46 PM
ORR, I will volunteer to take the ParkCache in Logoly State Park!

You've been added, Tinman. Thanks for volunteering!


04-24-2010, 07:50 PM
I'll take Wilhelmina, at least until if one of the Waldron/Mena area cachers says they want it. I've cached in that area & this will give me an excuse to extend my Hwy28 route out to Hwy71 .... + color in all of the map over in that area & some in Oklahoma.

04-25-2010, 03:19 PM
Astrodav, please email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com. Please provide your real name and geocaching name. I will get your email address off your email.

For all, if you want to volunteer, please send me an email in addition to (or instead of) posting a comment in the forums. Please provide your real name and geocaching name. I will get your email address off your email. Posting a comment to this forum is good to let me know you are interested, but it does not provide me with the contact information that I need to coordinate this activity. Thanks for your cooperation and willingness to serve.

Old River Runner

04-25-2010, 06:59 PM
I, along with my son Juan Pablo, went and found the cache Ive chosen to maintain, today! (Logoly State Park GC1DT1P)
What a great hike we had! A perfect day for it!

Had a great meeting with one of the rangers at the park as well as the park superintendent!

Thank you ORR for the opportunity to volunteer for this! It makes me proud to be able to help maintain such a cool part of the ParkCache series!

04-25-2010, 08:23 PM
I hinted at a friend in Springdale that it would be nice if NWAC & ArkGeo could possibly start working a bit closer on stuff like this. I noticed that several of the ParkCaches up there are missing secondaries .... and even Wilhelmina is quite a drive for me. But that last part doesn't matter for now.

Bull Shoals is sorta on the east border of their general territory & has NO volunteer yet. I'm not sure exactly how active he is up there in the association, although he is an active cacher. But I'll let you know if I hear anything.

04-25-2010, 09:17 PM
Great! As soon as I get recovered from the Wild Hog MusicFest I'll go by the local Parks office and introduce myself. :D

04-25-2010, 09:38 PM
Hogs make music? :?:

O.K....nobody scream Off-Topic. I just couldn't help meself. :lol:

04-25-2010, 11:03 PM
I hinted at a friend in Springdale that it would be nice if NWAC & ArkGeo could possibly start working a bit closer on stuff like this.
Already done. I posted a request for help on the NWAC forums back in January or February and got several cachers from that region to volunteer. They responded very quickly, in fact.

04-26-2010, 10:17 PM
Until someone closer can pick this up I can get the Bull Shoals/ White River SP.

04-27-2010, 01:52 AM
If the board wants me to, I'd gladly scan the maps around the remaining parks which have neither a Primary or Secondary. Then contact 2 or 3 of the most active cachers in those areas, to see if they might be interested in coming over here & seeing if they would like to volunteer.

There's a large percentage of very active cachers who don't frequent this site, so might not even be aware of this project. Doing this might get our volunteer-list filled up, & might gain ArkGeo a few more members too.

Doesn't matter a bit to me. But I won't do it without some type of approval from the board.

05-04-2010, 05:40 PM
Lake Chicot SP cache is up and running again. I took an ammo can w/SWAG and TB's/Coins down this morning and with the park superintendent, Ocie Hunter, watched as maintenance bolted down the can so it couldn't be muggled again. I hope that someone from SE Arkansas will take primary on this park, I was warmly greeted and assured that his park was very supportive of the caching community. Come on folks, these state parks are great locations for our caches and you only have to check on them 3 or 4 times a year. We still have park caches not being covered, volunteer.

05-12-2010, 06:20 AM
Mathseeker and I traveled to the Plantation Agriculture Museum and to Toltec Mounds Archeological State Park Saturday to introduce ourselves and to check on the caches there. Even though neither Park's superintendent was there, we did have the opportunity to meet the staff and checked on the caches. They are both in great shape and ready to be found.

05-12-2010, 01:51 PM
Nukeworker and I stopped in at Lake Dardanelle State Park last week and met the superintendent along with his staff that keeps an eye on the park's geocaches. We had a wonderful visit and thanked them for supporting geocaching. The cache was in great shape, so we only added a little more swag. It's ready to be found. Happy hunting, NW & RBG

05-13-2010, 03:22 AM
I have met the superintendent at both Mount Nebo and Mount Magazine and introduce myself and we had a great visit and all is well with both caches.

07-09-2010, 03:20 PM
Went today to check on the State park cache! I replaced the small plastic jar with an ammo can. I placed the needed numbers in a baggie with the logbook. It is in good shape. Went to the visitor center and told the Park Ranger what was done. She was not aware about Ark Geo doing maintainence but was very pleased.

12-17-2010, 04:52 PM
For those who are monitoring this stream... Hobbs State Park cache (GC1CYWB) is currently disabled.

December 7 by Arkansas State Parks: I am temporarily disabling this cache due to safety concerns of hunting season. We plan to move the cache to a better year-round location. Thanks for your patience.

12-17-2010, 07:58 PM
The spot where it was was really nice, but it was such a relatively long hike unless you went off trail.

Will be interesting to see where they move it to.

12-17-2010, 08:14 PM
Aw shucks. That was one of the few I had left to complete. Not that I have to have it right now, but Big Bureaucracy is rarely in a hurry. They will take months. Archery season isn't even over until mid-February, and then there's the onslaught of turkey hunters in the spring.

12-17-2010, 09:34 PM
I have emailed the volunteer for that ParkCache to ask them to assist in the relocation of the cache. Hopefully, this will move things along more quickly.

12-18-2010, 05:50 AM
Thanks, ORR! :)

02-09-2011, 10:37 AM
The volunteer for Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area just notified me that he had to resign. If anyone else is willing to pick this one up, please contact me by email at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com.

Also, we are still needing volunteers for the following parks:

Bull Shoals White River State Park
Conway Cemetery State Park
Crowley's Ridge State Park
Hampson Archeological Museum State Park
Herman Davis State Park
Jacksonport State Park
Lake Frierson State Park

Please contact me if you are willing to be a volunteer.

Old River Runner

02-25-2011, 06:41 AM
The volunteer for Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area recently had to resign. I would appreciate it if someone in the NWA area would step forward and volunteer to help out with this park.

Also, we still need volunteers for the parks listed in the previous post. I know there are several active cachers in the NE Arkansas area, so if you could help out, that would be appreciated.

If you are interested, or just want to learn more about what it entails, send me an email at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com and I will be happy to provide you with the information and direction provided to the other volunteers, so that you can make an informed decision. Actually, it doesn't involve much, other than checking on the cache periodically and helping the park staff out with placement, container, and any issues that arise with the cache. Pretty much treating it the same as if it were your own cache. Thanks.

Old River Runner

03-01-2011, 08:19 AM
A big THANK YOU to pshelto for volunteering for Conway Cemetery State Park and to Nicodemus3 for volunteering to serve as backup for Prairie Grove State Park!

Any other volunteers out there??? :):):)

06-13-2011, 10:11 AM
Here's an update on the ParkCache Maintenance program.

First, I want to let everyone know about some great service provided by two members of ArkGeo, Ashallond and jffok, on one of the ParkCaches this past weekend. Ashallond, jffok, and secondgunman (not an ArkGeo member, but should be! Hint! Hint!) were doing a ParkCache run in the northeastern part of the state and stopped by the Herman Davis ParkCache to replace the clue for The Grand Finale bonus cache. This cache does not currently have a volunteer, so their efforts helped to get the cache back into service. GREAT JOB! Thanks for your service!

Second, I reported at the annual meeting a couple of weeks ago that we still need volunteers for the parks in the northeastern and southwestern parks, as well as the Bull Shoals State Park. I was wrong about the southwestern parks, as we currently have volunteers for all of those parks. And I received an email from Buckshot & MamaLLama that they would volunteer for Bull Shoals. (Many thanks to Coon & Bud for recruiting them!) But we still need volunteers for the following 5 state parks, all in the northeastern quadrant of the state:

Crowley's Ridge State Park

Hampson Archeological Museum State Park

Herman Davis State Park
Jacksonport State Park
Lake Frierson State Park

Please consider volunteering for one of these parks if you live somewhere near them or travel into those areas frequently and could handle maintenance on those caches. See this link (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en) for a complete list of the current ParkCache volunteers.

06-25-2011, 11:21 PM
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say that we are so happy to take on the maintenance of the Bull Shoals White River Parkcache. We have been out to check on it and glad to say that it is in better condition than when we found it last summer. We have an appt. to meet with the park super when he gets back in town next week. Wish we lived closer to some of the others that need help especially our namesake park Crowley's Ridge. Alas, it is not so.

06-26-2011, 07:48 PM
Just want to say a big thanks for stepping up and taking Bull Shoals on!!

06-27-2011, 09:30 PM
Bull Shoals right now is on top of list of favorites.

Mainly because the fog rolled in on the river after a massive thunderstorm and the cold blasts from the nearby spring were just...awesome.

06-28-2011, 12:15 AM
Ammo can and swag to find - $20.00..... Full tank of fuel to get there - $70.00..... Mother Nature adding her two cents - Priceless!

Wish I could take the credit, but I will work to keep it a great experience for all to future seekers.

06-28-2011, 06:45 PM
ORR-- A couple of weeks ago Secondgunman and I replaced the Hobbs State Park Conservation Area cache. The area where it was had burned. For now it is okay and hopefully someone will volunteer for maintaincee on it soon.

08-01-2011, 05:35 AM
We were up in the Fayetteville area this weekend. Thanks Jffok for replacing Hobbs. ORR, who has the maintenance for Prairie Grove Battlefield. In the logs it appears to have been missing for a while. That is the only one we missed up in that area this weekend. Hopefully they can replace it soon.

08-01-2011, 07:15 AM
We were up in the Fayetteville area this weekend. Thanks Jffok for replacing Hobbs. ORR, who has the maintenance for Prairie Grove Battlefield. In the logs it appears to have been missing for a while. That is the only one we missed up in that area this weekend. Hopefully they can replace it soon.

The list of volunteers is available by clicking a link in the first posting under this thread. However, I have included the link here (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en) so that future readers of this thread do not have to dig back through the thread. I will contact the volunteer. Thanks for letting me know.

08-01-2011, 07:56 AM
Thanks, thught about on way to work that I probably could look back through thread and find it. You beat me to doing that. Was looking at the list, nothing open to us, but we could be back up for Lake Catherine State Park and DeGray Lake Resort State Park.

08-01-2011, 05:11 PM
Was looking at the list, nothing open to us, but we could be back up for Lake Catherine State Park and DeGray Lake Resort State Park.

GREAT! Please email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com with your real name, your geocaching handle (if different than what you use here), and your email address, so that I have everything properly entered into our records as well as the updated list of volunteers I provide to the State Parks from time to time.

08-01-2011, 10:18 PM
We (yazzman, secondgunman, and I) just got Catherine, DeGray, Ouachita, Daisy, and Crater of Diamonds today. All 5 are in good shape, exept Daisy is about 85-100 feet south of the listed coords. i know the other two took new coords, so they will probably post them

08-08-2011, 01:58 AM
Would be glad to maintain the Crowleys Ridge and Lake Frierson Park caches if still needed.

08-08-2011, 07:38 AM
Would be glad to maintain the Crowleys Ridge and Lake Frierson Park caches if still needed.

GREAT! Yes, we definitely need your help with these! Please email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com with your real name, your geocaching handle (if different than what you use here), and your email address, so that I have everything properly entered into our records as well as the updated list of volunteers I provide to the State Parks from time to time. Thank your for volunteering!

07-22-2012, 09:56 PM
So who is responsible for getting the attribute taking off of the cache?

07-23-2012, 07:03 AM
I've asked Chuck Walla to give you the correct answer on that. I'm assuming it would be the Park Superintendent, but not 100% sure.

03-18-2013, 08:47 AM
I want to welcome a new face to our merry band of ParkCache Maintenance Volunteers! Captain_trips (aka Bruce Rutherford) has contacted me and volunteered to watch over the ParkCaches located in both the Herman Davis and Hampson Archeological Museum State Parks. Captain_trips says he lives about 2 hours from these parks, but he is willing to give it a try! Thank you for your willingness to serve!

We still have 3 ParkCaches that need someone to maintain them. They are in the Moro Bay, Poison Spring, and Queen Wilhelmina State Parks. If you live near those parks (or even if you don't!), please consider volunteering to maintain those caches so that geocachers visiting the parks in search of the ParkCache Series have a positive experience and come away with a smiley and the clue to The Grand Finale cache. Our State Parks have been very welcoming to geocaching. So this is a way to give back to them!

Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoZqCvXkh6UudEdNbFBhQ0J3eVRiX0pGcUE5cEEtN EE&hl=en#gid=0) to list of current volunteers.

03-19-2013, 08:11 AM

06-22-2016, 04:53 PM
I have been notified by two different people that the ParkCache at Marks' Mill State Park (GC1DR1Y (https://coord.info/GC1DR1Y)) appears to be missing. The ArkGeo maintenance volunteer for this park has notified me that he can no longer take care of this one. Is there someone in central or SE AR that would be willing to visit the park and check on it? And replace it if it is missing? (And if you are willing to become the volunteer for the maintenance of that cache, that would be appreciated! But I am only requesting a one-time maintenance job at this time.)

If you can visit this cache and fix it, please let me know by email at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com. If you don't have or remember the code to put inside it, for the Grand Finale of the ParkCache series, let me know and I can provide that to you. Thanks!


06-23-2016, 09:06 AM
Another cache that appears to be missing is Crater of Diamonds ParkCache (GC1CPW1 (https://coord.info/GC1CPW1)). The cacher who contacted me said he tried a phone a friend to confirm the location, and also the parks people thought they had been in the right spot.

The cachers listed as the primary and backup ArkGeo maintenance volunteer for this cache have not responded to me about whether they are willing to continue to serve as volunteers. I think the backup no longer cachers, and I don't know about the primary. Therefore, is there someone in SW AR or the Hot Springs area that would be willing to visit the park and check on it? And replace it if it is missing? (And if you are willing to become the volunteer for the maintenance of that cache, that would be appreciated! But I am only requesting a one-time maintenance job at this time.)

If you can visit this cache and fix it, please let me know by email at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com. If you don't have or remember the code to put inside it, for the Grand Finale of the ParkCache series, let me know and I can provide that to you. Thanks!


St. Rock
06-23-2016, 12:23 PM
If no one can check on Marks' Mill soon, we could do it, but it will be a few weeks before we can get down there. We are tied up with the CITO in Ft. Smith this weekend and then are out of town for vacation and GeoWoodstock for a couple of weekends. Would hate to leave a state park cache disabled for that long, but if no one else is able to, we will get to it as soon as we can.

06-23-2016, 12:47 PM
I really like this thread, it's very helpful. If any up this way(NWA Area) need help let me know. My email is Adam.Schoenwald@Yahoo.com

06-26-2016, 06:01 AM
If no one can check on Marks' Mill soon, we could do it, but it will be a few weeks before we can get down there. We are tied up with the CITO in Ft. Smith this weekend and then are out of town for vacation and GeoWoodstock for a couple of weekends. Would hate to leave a state park cache disabled for that long, but if no one else is able to, we will get to it as soon as we can.
Thanks for the offer. But I don't think we should leave this one unfixed for that long. If no one else steps forward, maybe we will have to. Isn't there anyone else out there that could help? Someone from south or southeast AR?

06-26-2016, 06:13 AM
Nanaandpapaw have contacted me and they will be taking care of replacing the Crater of Diamonds ParkCache. THANK YOU! :D

06-26-2016, 01:25 PM
Thank you, ORR, for coordinating this mutual project with Arkansas State Parks and to all our volunteer cachers who help the parks maintain the hides. This is an amazing challenge to complete. We are so incredibly blessed to have beautiful, diverse state parks that are almost entirely free to visit anytime we desire. As we visited each park we learned more about our state. It was an amazing adventure to travel to all 52 parks and such an accomplishment to finally pick-up our well earned coin.

Thank you to all who contribute to the Arkansas State Park Challenge, RBG

07-02-2016, 09:54 PM
I have just started the parks, of the three I have been to (Hobbs, Withrow Springs, and Prairie Grove Battlefield) I have clean the trash out and all look okay. I have opened the door of communication at the parks and all of them have my name, email and phone number. They all seemed quite pleased to talk geocaching. Will be Hitting up Devils Den and Lake Fort Smith in a few days.

07-04-2016, 10:27 AM
OR-NPL191 have contacted me and they have replaced the Marks' Mill ParkCache. THANK YOU! :grin:

07-05-2016, 09:20 PM
Just went to Devil's Den today, the cache there was in good shape :)

07-11-2016, 02:52 AM
I have now officially been to all the "NWA" Region State Parks, cleaned them of trash swag, and replaced and repaired where necessary, if you need me as a standby on any of these cache locations, fill free to let me know. I have them on my watch list, so now if I see they need love and attention I can address the issue if your assigned personnel can't do it.

07-11-2016, 09:41 PM
Thank you for all your GREAT help on these caches!!!

03-27-2017, 08:16 PM
I received a message today from a cacher that visited both White Oak Lake ParkCache and Poison Spring ParkCache recently. Both caches were recently maintained, but the cacher reported that neither of them had the park clue in them.

I don't know if the clues were written inside the log book or inadvertently left out, but if the last person to perform maintenance on the caches can verify it would be most appreciated.


03-28-2017, 12:41 PM
I received a message today from a cacher that visited both White Oak Lake ParkCache and Poison Spring ParkCache recently. Both caches were recently maintained, but the cacher reported that neither of them had the park clue in them.

I don't know if the clues were written inside the log book or inadvertently left out, but if the last person to perform maintenance on the caches can verify it would be most appreciated.


Thanks for letting me know about this. I have contacted the geocaching account for White Oak Lake State Park, under which the maintenance notes were logged on 03/05/17, to see if they could put the clues in the caches if they were not in there already.

03-28-2017, 12:54 PM
In case you're wondering about who is the ArkGeo ParkCache Maintenance Volunteer for White Oak Lake and Poison Spring SPs, the short answer is "no one." We've not had a volunteer for Poison Spring for a long time (if ever) and the volunteer listed for White Oak Lake contacted me last Summer to take their name off the list for that park. I have just be way behind in updating the list. So ... if anyone wants to step forward and agree to watch over either or both of these parks, or any of the others not showing a volunteer, please send me an email. (I prefer that rather than posting the request here so if I have any followup questions, we can handle those in private.)

04-09-2017, 10:33 AM
Carolyn and I can take Lower White River. We, literally, live two left and one right turn away from it.

Let me know yes or no. :)

04-19-2017, 02:38 PM
Carolyn and I can take Lower White River. We, literally, live two left and one right turn away from it.

Let me know yes or no. :)

YES! We would be happy to have you help! I've sent you an email.

04-26-2017, 07:49 AM

The Louisiana Purchase ParkCache (GC1C7CN (https://coord.info/GC1C7CN)) has not been found since last August and has apparently gone missing. I emailed both the volunteer and the backup for this cache a few weeks ago to ask them to do some much needed maintenance on it and I have not received a reply from either. So I have to assume that they are no longer active or willing to serve as volunteers for this cache. So, is there someone out there who would be willing to visit this cache site and replace the ParkCache? (Don't forget the clues! ;))

I am just asking for a one-time maintenance job on this one, so don't hold back if you might be willing to do it but don't want to commit to be the volunteer for this one on a continuing basis. However, if you are willing to volunteer to do maintenance on this cache on a continuing basis, I will be happy to put your name on our list of volunteers!

If anyone can take care of this one, and relatively soon, please let me know by posting a reply here or by emailing me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com.

05-20-2017, 09:08 AM
I wish to thank Flowten for stepping forward and replacing the Louisiana Purchase State Park ParkCache. The cache has been relocated some, hopefully to prevent future loss of it or muggling. Be sure to update the coordinates in your GPSR if you haven't found this one yet and are planning to go after it.

I still need someone to visit the ParkCaches at Poison Springs State Park and White Oak Lake State Park and put the clues in those caches. The caches were replaced in March by WhiteOakSp, which I assume is the account for White Oak State Park. I had emailed them after the caches were replaced, to ask them to put the clues in the caches. I never received a reply. And I was contacted by a recent finder of those caches to ask me for the clues, since they were still missing from the caches. So if someone could PLEASE go by those caches and put the clues in them, it would be much appreciated by me and future finders of those caches. If you replace the clues, please let me know. And I am asking for this to be done as a one time maintenance action, not as a volunteer to maintain the caches on an ongoing basis. However, I still need volunteers for these caches. So if anyone is interested, please let me know.

05-20-2017, 07:57 PM
I'm going to step up here and take on maintaining a few. Just updated my profile info so, ORR, it's there.
I'm in Harrisburg so Lake Poinsett is a given. My son is in Wynne so I'll take Village Creek as well. I'm there at least once a week anyway. Parkin isn't far off my normal running so I can take that too. My daughter is just minutes from Lake Frierson and Crowley's Ridge so I can take backup for those since I'm there at least once week too. I'll take on Louisiana Purchase, Mississippi River and Delta Heritage Trail. I'm from Helena so I can run by those when I go to or come back from there.
Ive thoroughly enjoyed every park cache I've found to date and I'd like to be sure to keep them going. I have all the clues saved as personal notes on each cache page. Just need contact info for each location.

05-22-2017, 08:02 AM
I'm going to step up here and take on maintaining a few. Just updated my profile info so, ORR, it's there.
I'm in Harrisburg so Lake Poinsett is a given. My son is in Wynne so I'll take Village Creek as well. I'm there at least once a week anyway. Parkin isn't far off my normal running so I can take that too. My daughter is just minutes from Lake Frierson and Crowley's Ridge so I can take backup for those since I'm there at least once week too. I'll take on Louisiana Purchase, Mississippi River and Delta Heritage Trail. I'm from Helena so I can run by those when I go to or come back from there.
Ive thoroughly enjoyed every park cache I've found to date and I'd like to be sure to keep them going. I have all the clues saved as personal notes on each cache page. Just need contact info for each location.
Thanks for your willingness to serve! Please email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com with your geocaching name (if not mailman72432), your real name, and your email address and I will get you on our volunteer list, either as primary or backup.

02-20-2020, 04:06 PM

The Louisiana Purchase ParkCache (GC1C7CN (https://coord.info/GC1C7CN)) has been disabled since last October because it is missing. I emailed both the volunteer and the backup for this cache just after that, to ask them to do some much needed maintenance on it and I have not received a reply from either. So I have to assume that they are no longer active or willing to serve as volunteers for this cache. So, is there someone out there who would be willing to visit this cache site and replace the ParkCache? (Don't forget the clues! :wink:)

I am just asking for a one-time maintenance job on this one, so don't hold back if you might be willing to do it but don't want to commit to be the volunteer for this one on a continuing basis. However, if you are willing to volunteer to do maintenance on this cache on a continuing basis, I will be happy to put your name on our list of volunteers!

If anyone can take care of this one, and relatively soon, please let me know by posting a reply here or by emailing me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com.


The Jenkins' Ferry ParkCache (GC1DTZ8 (https://coord.info/GC1DTZ8)) is also missing and has just been disabled. I have emailed the volunteer for this cache (there is no backup) to ask them to check on the cache and replace it. If I don't hear back from him, is there someone else who can go by there and replace it?

For those of you who do Facebook, feel free to share these requests for help there. But have them post their replies here on this website, or at least email me and I will post the information here.


03-02-2020, 05:10 PM
I want to express my thanks to Jim & Sandy Fryar (Likestocanoe) for stepping up and replacing the Jenkins' Ferry ParkCache last week. THANK YOU! It is folks like those two who make ArkGeo and geocaching in Arkansas so GREAT!

03-03-2020, 09:12 PM
I want to express my thanks to Pat & Judy Vaughn (Woodwalker & MathSeeker) for stepping up and replacing the Louisiana Purchase ParkCache today. THANK YOU! Their service to Arkansas geocaching is very much appreciated!

10-25-2020, 12:58 PM

The Cossatatot River ParkCache (GC1CFBE (https://coord.info/GC1CFBE)) has not been found since July 2019 and has apparently gone missing. It has also received a low Health Score warning email from Geocaching HQ. I have emailed both the volunteer and the backup for this cache (Jimmy Cobb and Jerry Turner, respectively) to ask them to do some much needed maintenance on it, but I don't know if they are active geocachers anymore or are willing to address the problem with this geocache. While waiting on a response from them, I am going to assume that they are not active and am taking contingency action. So, is there someone out there who would be willing to visit this cache site and replace the ParkCache? (Don't forget the clues! :wink:)

I am just asking for a one-time maintenance job on this one, so don't hold back if you might be willing to do it but don't want to commit to be the volunteer for this one on a continuing basis. However, if you are willing to volunteer to do maintenance on this cache on a continuing basis, I will be happy to put your name on our list of volunteers!

If anyone can take care of this one, and relatively soon, please let me know by posting a reply here or by emailing me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com.

Also, since I don't do Facebook, if someone would post this request on the ArkGeo FB page, that would be much appreciated. If anyone is willing to step up and help, have them get in touch with me at the email listed previously. Thanks!

10-28-2020, 09:39 AM
Weather permitting, Mathseeker and I can go over either Friday or Saturday and replace the cache.

10-28-2020, 07:27 PM
Weather permitting, Mathseeker and I can go over either Friday or Saturday and replace the cache.

Thanks Pat & Judy! I know it is a long distance for you, so if you do not get there this weekend, let me know. I was considering a trip there next week if no one had responded.

01-09-2021, 09:03 PM
I am late in acknowledging this, but many thanks to woodwalker9 and Mathseeker for replacing the Cossatot River ParkCache in late October. Also, thanks to idratherbehiking (Richard Lee) for taking care of some much needed maintenance on the Mount Magazine ParkCache last weekend. Apparently, in the snow!

03-15-2021, 08:51 AM

The Jenkins' Ferry ParkCache (GC1DTZ8 (https://coord.info/GC1DTZ8)) is missing and has just been disabled. I have emailed the volunteer for this cache (there is no backup) to ask them to check on the cache and replace it. If I don't hear back from him, is there someone else who can go by there and replace it, soon?

As I recall, the hiding spot for this one was not a very good one. So if you need to relocate it, do so and let me know the new coordinates. I will pass these along to Chuck Walla and get him to update the cache page with the new coordinates. Also, if you need the clues to place in the cache, for the final, let me know and I can provide them to you.For those of you who do Facebook, feel free to share these requests for help there. But have them post their replies here on this website, or at least email me and I will post the information here.


03-16-2021, 08:54 PM
Arkansas State Parks replaced Jenkins Ferry Parkcache (GC1DTZ8 (https://coord.info/GC1DTZ8)) and updated the coordinates this afternoon, but did not enable the geocache. They did an owner maintenance log and an updated coordinates log.

03-17-2021, 06:35 AM
Arkansas State Parks replaced Jenkins Ferry Parkcache (GC1DTZ8 (https://coord.info/GC1DTZ8)) and updated the coordinates this afternoon, but did not enable the geocache. They did an owner maintenance log and an updated coordinates log.

I just saw they had done that and came here to post that maintenance by someone in ArkGeo is no longer needed. I am a little puzzled by the cache replacement because they have never done that before for this park. But it is good to see that someone in the park system is maintaining this cache!

03-23-2021, 08:30 AM
A big THANK YOU to Jim and Sandy Fryar (likestocanoe) for volunteering to help maintain the Parkcaches at Lake Catherine and Lake Ouachita State Parks! Your service to Arkansas geocaching is much appreciated! :D

Here is a link to the updated list of ParkCache Maintenance Volunteers (LINK (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Crq3d40ThlM74zO7_Crl8YCi7Q_OUcRz5LdT_iobVK4/edit?hl=en&hl=en#gid=1974433406)).

03-25-2021, 09:26 AM
Jim and Sandy Fryar (likestocanoe) have also volunteered to help maintain the Parkcache at Daisy State Park. THANK YOU!!!

04-05-2021, 08:22 AM

The Lake Chicot ParkCache (GC1DR0Y (https://coord.info/GC1DR0Y)) is missing and has been disabled. I have emailed the two people listed as volunteers for this cache [Edith Anderson-Long (elafern) & John Auvil (photojunky)] to ask them to check on the cache and replace it. But I don't even know if they are still active geocachers. So if I don't hear back from either of them, is there someone else who can go by there and replace it, soon?

If you need the clues to place in the cache, for the final, let me know and I can provide them to you. For those of you who do Facebook, feel free to share these requests for help there. But have them post their replies here on this website, or at least email me and I will post the information here.


04-05-2021, 08:41 AM
Does anyone have a good email address for Edith Anderson-Long (elafern)? The email that I sent to the one in my contact list bounced back as undeliverable.

04-06-2021, 06:32 AM
Mathseeker and I can run down there Thursday afternoon if that is soon enough.

04-09-2021, 01:24 PM
Mathseeker and I can run down there Thursday afternoon if that is soon enough.

Thanks for your efforts on this. Sorry it was a unnecessary trip. The State Parks has started to be more active in taking care of some of their ParkCaches. Unforutnately, they do not notify me when they are planning to replace a particular ParkCache or want volunteers to do it for them.

07-15-2021, 09:33 AM
I am providing the [LINK (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Crq3d40ThlM74zO7_Crl8YCi7Q_OUcRz5LdT_iobVK4/edit?usp=sharing)] again to the list of volunteers, so it is easier to find. If anyone has a change to the list, please contact me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com. Thanks!

07-15-2021, 08:06 PM
I believe there are some people on the list that are not geocaching any more. At least one of them has moved out of state.

07-16-2021, 02:42 PM
I believe there are some people on the list that are not geocaching any more. At least one of them has moved out of state.

Please provide names and I will reach out to them to see if they are no longer willing to serve as volunteers.

07-26-2021, 02:20 PM
A big THANK YOU to IrisbrambleBeardface for recently addressing a maintenance issue with the ParkCache at Hobbs State Park!

08-17-2021, 07:10 PM
John Auvil (photojunky) lives in New Mexico now.
"CacheMates" are not geocaching anymore.

02-12-2022, 08:36 AM

The Cane Creel ParkCache (GC1CFB1 (https://coord.info/GC1CFB1)) is missing and has been disabled. The two people listed as volunteers for this cache [Edith Anderson-Long (elafern) & Parker & Diana Houser (ltfightr)] are no longer active geocachers or have moved out of state. Is there someone else who can go by there and replace it, soon?

If you need the clues to place in the cache, for the final, let me know and I can provide them to you. For those of you who do Facebook, feel free to share these requests for help there. But have them post their replies here on this website, or at least email me and I will post the information here.


02-12-2022, 10:22 AM
Woodwalker9 and I are heading down to replace this geocache.

02-12-2022, 03:05 PM
Cane Creek ParkCache (GC1CFB1 (https://coord.info/GC1CFB1)) has been replaced. I sent an email to Chuck Walla with the details.

Snowing in Star City today.

02-13-2022, 10:56 AM
THANK YOU to Woodwalker9 and MathSeeker for jumping right on this and replacing the ParkCache at Cane Creek! GREAT JOB!

02-22-2022, 05:17 PM
THANK YOU to captain_trips for recently replacing the missing ParkCache at Village Creek and relocating the ParkCache at Herman Davis to a much better hiding spot! He also replaced the container with one which should be more secure and less likely to go missing. GREAT JOB!

04-07-2022, 07:55 AM
THANK YOU to captain_trips for recently visiting Davidsonville State Park and checking on its ParkCache. There had been a string of DNFs on it and he came prepared to replace it. But he found that the cache had already been replaced and did not have a log posted that the maintenance had taken place. No action needed on his part, but thanks for checking on it!

04-09-2022, 06:45 PM
THANK YOU to likestocanoe for visiting Lake Catherine State Park and doing maintenance on its ParkCache. Thanks for your service! GREAT JOB!

04-24-2022, 06:29 AM
The Dynamic Duo from Crystal Springs are at it again! THANK YOU to likestocanoe for visiting Moro Bay State Park and doing maintenance on its ParkCache. Thanks for your service! GREAT JOB!

04-29-2022, 07:35 AM

The Historic Washington ParkCache (GC1CPY7 (https://coord.info/GC1CPY7)) is missing. I don't believe the people listed as volunteers for this cache [Eddie & Jackie Daniel (The Rascals)] are active geocachers now. Is there someone else who can go by there and replace it, soon?

If you need the clues to place in the cache, for the final, let me know and I can provide them to you. For those of you who do Facebook, feel free to share these requests for help there. But have them post their replies here on this website, or at least email me and I will post the information here.


05-07-2022, 11:33 AM
I believe Pam Beasley is the park interpreter or something at Historic Washington State Park. She is a geocacher. Oilmuse is her geocaching name. You might contact her.

05-08-2022, 09:36 AM
I believe Pam Beasley is the park interpreter or something at Historic Washington State Park. She is a geocacher. Oilmuse is her geocaching name. You might contact her.

Thanks for the information, Judy. I have just emailed her. However, her geocaching profile shows that she has not been online on the website since August 2012. But maybe she will help out and maybe this will motivate her to become more active in geocaching again!

05-16-2022, 06:57 AM
It has been over a week and I have not received a response from Pam Beasley (oilmuse). So, the Historic Washington ParkCache still needs help. If anyone is in that area, would you please take the time and replace the cache? If you need the clues to put in the cache, let me know. Thanks!

05-18-2022, 10:49 AM
Mathseeker and I are in Texas and will be passing through Hope on the way home Monday, the 23rd. If no one replaces Historic Washington ParkCache before then we can detour and get it back up. We'll be watching this thread until then.

05-24-2022, 07:58 AM
THANK YOU to Woodwalker9 and MathSeeker for replacing the ParkCache at Historic Washington! GREAT JOB! You guys are SUPER!

07-17-2022, 04:59 PM
THANK YOU to idratherbehiking (https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=22073a80-3eed-46ba-8edc-65e8f449cfc0) for replacing the ParkCache at Mount Magazine today! GREAT JOB, Richard! You are SUPER!

08-09-2022, 06:03 PM
Question on Crowley's Ridge - per the online logs the cache is missing and has apparently been missing for a long time and visitors are being told it will NOT be replaced. This is a park I still need to get (and a few others) and have been waiting for it to be replaced but it doesn't sound like there is any intention to replace it. I'm willing to put together a replacement but just wanted to check before I do anything. There are plenty of photos online of the clue.

08-14-2022, 06:18 PM
Question on Crowley's Ridge - per the online logs the cache is missing and has apparently been missing for a long time and visitors are being told it will NOT be replaced. This is a park I still need to get (and a few others) and have been waiting for it to be replaced but it doesn't sound like there is any intention to replace it. I'm willing to put together a replacement but just wanted to check before I do anything. There are plenty of photos online of the clue.

By all means, feel free to replace the cache. If you would, please contact the Park ahead of time and let them know of your intention. This is just to make sure they have not problem with the cache being put back. If you have any problems or if you are asked by the park to not replace the cache, please let me know. I will need to discuss it with the person at the Dept. of Parks and Tourism who is in charge of the ParkCache program.

08-22-2022, 02:03 PM
By all means, feel free to replace the cache. If you would, please contact the Park ahead of time and let them know of your intention. This is just to make sure they have not problem with the cache being put back. If you have any problems or if you are asked by the park to not replace the cache, please let me know. I will need to discuss it with the person at the Dept. of Parks and Tourism who is in charge of the ParkCache program.

Wish we were closer. FYI - We replaced the cache at Lake Catherine State Park.

08-29-2022, 04:32 PM
FYI - We replaced the cache at Lake Catherine State Park.

Jim & Sandy -- Did you have to replace it again? I congratulated you on April 9 (See below). But if you had to replace it again, THANK YOU! :grin:

THANK YOU to likestocanoe for visiting Lake Catherine State Park and doing maintenance on its ParkCache. Thanks for your service! GREAT JOB!

09-06-2022, 09:59 AM
Crowley's Ridge has been replaced but we discovered Powhatan is also missing. The visitor center was closed when we stopped by.

09-06-2022, 04:42 PM
Crowley's Ridge has been replaced but we discovered Powhatan is also missing. The visitor center was closed when we stopped by.

THANK YOU to Reese486, JAM6100, and MuggleNephew for visiting Crowley's Ridge State Park over the weekend and working with the park staff to replace its ParkCache. The cache had been missing for quite a while, with the clues for the ParkCache final on a rock in the vicinity of the posted coordinates. Not good! But now it is back in service as a real geocache with a container to be found!

Regarding the ParkCache at Powhatan State Park, captain_trips has been working with the park staff on its replacement. But it has been a couple of months since I last heard from him and I just assumed it had taken care of. I will follow up with him and the park to find out what is going on with the cache.

09-06-2022, 05:02 PM
You are welcome. Happy to help out.

10-13-2022, 05:29 PM
It looks like the ParkCache at Jenkins' Ferry State Park may be missing. Is anyone going to that area in the near future and would be willing to check on the cache and replace it, if needed? William Pumphrey (flannelman) is listed as the maintenance volunteer for that park, but I believe he is no longer active. I will reach out to him, but if someone else can take care of it, it would be much appreciated!

10-14-2022, 07:57 PM
Mathseeker and I are heading down to Jenkins' Ferry State Park to replace the missing cache n the morning. We will make a post on the cache page when we get it replaced.

10-15-2022, 03:09 PM
Woodwalker9 and I did get the parkcache at Jenkin's Ferry State Park replaced today.

10-18-2022, 12:46 PM
Woodwalker9 and I did get the parkcache at Jenkin's Ferry State Park replaced today.

Seems we just replaced this cache. It really needs to be in a different location.

10-18-2022, 08:59 PM
THANK YOU to Woodwalker9 and MathSeeker for replacing the ParkCache at Jenkins' Ferry! GREAT JOB, Pat and Judy! You are SUPER!

10-20-2022, 01:09 PM
Another THANK YOU to captain_trips for working with the Park staff at Powhatan Historic State Park to replace and relocate the ParkCache. GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are much appreciated!

10-29-2022, 11:25 AM
I just received an email from the park interpreter at Crowley's Ridge asking for help replacing the Lake Frierson cache which I am happy to do but thought I had read somewhere that someone else was working on a replacement. Any update?

11-01-2022, 08:40 AM
I just received an email from the park interpreter at Crowley's Ridge asking for help replacing the Lake Frierson cache which I am happy to do but thought I had read somewhere that someone else was working on a replacement. Any update?

I cannot find where I posted anything about that, but I have contacted captain_trips to see if he might be able to take care of that one. If not, I will reach out to you for help. By the way, I gave captain_trips your email address so he can get the contact information for Crowley's Ridge if he does decide to do the maintenance on Lake Frierson.

11-01-2022, 09:02 AM
Thank you. Always happy to help any way we can.

11-08-2022, 10:36 AM
Shouting out a big THANK YOU to captain_trips for replacing the ParkCache at Lake Frierson State Park! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super!

11-29-2022, 07:40 AM
I don't do Facebook, but I have been told that someone has posted on the ArkGeo page that the Conway Cemetery ParkCache (GC1D49Q (https://coord.info/GC1D49Q)) may be missing. We do not have an active geocacher in that area who has volunteered to maintain that cache. If someone happens to be heading to the part of the stete -- or just wants to take a road trip -- would you please check on it and replace it, if necessary? If you plan to do so, please post something here so we will know it will be taken care of. Thanks!

03-27-2023, 02:36 PM
Another THANK YOU to captain_trips for checking on the ParkCache at Lake Charles State Park this past weekend! GREAT JOB, Bruce! Thank you for your service!

05-06-2023, 05:07 PM
Shouting out a big THANK YOU to captain_trips for recently helping with the maintenance of the ParkCache at Jacksonport State Park AND to likestocanoe for doing some maintenance on the ParkCache at the Crater of Diamonds State Park! GREAT JOB, Bruce, Sandy, & Jim! Your service is much appreciated. You are SUPER!

06-05-2023, 07:28 AM
It looks like the ParkCache at DeGray Lake Resort State Park (GC1CPXM (https://coord.info/GC1CPXM)) is missing. Someone placed a throwdown, but there isn't a logsheet in it. Is there someone who can take a trip to that park and do some maintenance on the cache? I don't think the geocachers who originally volunteered to maintain this cache are active anymore (flyfishingcachers and ltfightr). Please post here and/or email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com if you can take care of this cache.


06-25-2023, 09:41 AM
ANOTHER big THANK YOU to captain_trips for replacing the ParkCache at Village Creek State Park earlier this month! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super and much appreciated!

06-25-2023, 09:48 AM
It looks like the ParkCache at DeGray Lake Resort State Park (GC1CPXM (https://coord.info/GC1CPXM)) is missing. Someone placed a throwdown, but there isn't a logsheet in it. Is there someone who can take a trip to that park and do some maintenance on the cache? I don't think the geocachers who originally volunteered to maintain this cache are active anymore (flyfishingcachers and ltfightr). Please post here and/or email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com if you can take care of this cache.


Bumping this one up. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? ;)

07-17-2023, 11:18 AM
ANOTHER big THANK YOU to likestocanoe for replacing the ParkCache at Lake DeGray State Park a few days ago! GREAT JOB, Sandy & Jim! You are SUPER and much appreciated!

08-23-2023, 07:27 AM
Shouting out a big THANK YOU to IrisbrambleBeardface (https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=de025c49-999e-4a72-a99c-307fa071ef38) for replacing the ParkCache at Devil's Den State Park a few days ago! GREAT JOB, Sherry & Dustim! You are SUPER and much appreciated! :D

03-04-2024, 08:40 AM
Maintenance Request:

It looks like the cache container for the ParkCache at Cossatot River State Park (GC1CFBE (https://coord.info/GC1CFBE)) is broken and needs replacement. The geocachers who volunteered long ago to maintain this cache are no longer active. So, is there someone who can take a trip to that park and do some maintenance on the cache? Please post here and/or email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com if you can take care of this cache. Thanks!

03-27-2024, 05:19 PM
I should already be on the Arboretum in El Dorado &Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources in Smackover. Probably Arkfiremedic was primary.

05-13-2024, 06:14 AM
ANOTHER big THANK YOU to captain_trips for replacing the ParkCache at Hampson Archeological Museum State Park this past weekend! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super and much appreciated!

05-13-2024, 06:20 AM
I should already be on the Arboretum in El Dorado &Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources in Smackover. Probably Arkfiremedic was primary.

Thanks Phoebe! I finally got around to updating the list.

Does anyone else know of any changes that need to be made? Are there any new volunteers who need to be added?

05-19-2024, 06:35 AM
Maintenance Request:

It looks like the cache container for the ParkCache at the Ozark Folk Center State Park (GC1D41G (https://coord.info/GC1D41G)) may be missing and may need replacement. The geocacher who volunteered long ago to maintain this cache is no longer active. So, is there someone who can take a trip to that park and do some maintenance on the cache? Please post here and/or email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com if you can take care of this cache. Thanks!

05-25-2024, 11:17 AM
Shouting out a big THANK YOU to arkgal56 (https://www.geocaching.com/p/default.aspx?guid=fdf2b549-34a8-4f5f-b6f2-10481d31710b) for replacing the ParkCache at Ozark Folk Center State Park today! GREAT JOB! You are SUPER and much appreciated! :grin:

07-08-2024, 06:45 AM
ANOTHER big THANK YOU to captain_trips for recently replacing the ParkCache at Lake Charles State Park! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super and much appreciated! You also seem to be tireless in your work to maintain the ParkCaches in the state parks in Northeastern Arkansas!

08-15-2024, 10:27 AM
ANOTHER big THANK YOU to likestocanoe for replacing the ParkCache at Lake DeGray State Park a few days ago! It has been placed in a spot that, hopefully, will be less prone to being muggled. GREAT JOB, Sandy & Jim! You are SUPER and much appreciated!

08-15-2024, 10:29 AM
Maintenance Request:

It looks like the cache container for the ParkCache at Cossatot River State Park (GC1CFBE (https://coord.info/GC1CFBE)) is broken and needs replacement. The geocachers who volunteered long ago to maintain this cache are no longer active. So, is there someone who can take a trip to that park and do some maintenance on the cache? Please post here and/or email me at oldriverrunner@hotmail.com if you can take care of this cache. Thanks!

Bumping this request up. No one has responded yet and it has been nearly 6 months. Anyone heading that way anytime soon?

09-09-2024, 06:40 AM
captain_trips is at it again! He recently replaced the Davidsonville Historic ParkCache! THANK YOU! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super and much appreciated! You also seem to be tireless in your work to maintain the ParkCaches in the state parks in Northeastern Arkansas!

09-23-2024, 08:15 AM
WOW! captain_trips is at it again! This past weekend, he traveled far from his normal stomping grounds in Northeast Arkansas to visit the ParkCace at Cossatot River State Park (GC1CFBE (https://coord.info/GC1CFBE)) and do some much needed and long overdue cache maintenance.

THANK YOU! GREAT JOB, Bruce! You are super and much appreciated! You also seem to be tireless in your work to maintain the ParkCaches in the state parks in ALL of Arkansas!