View Full Version : Reviewer Geocoins Unclaimed

06-08-2008, 10:39 AM
There are three Chuck Walla’s 2008 Groundspeak Volunteer Geocoins (#3, #6, and #8 ) that have not yet been claimed by the geocachers who won them as prizes at two recent events. The #3 coin was awarded at the “Clarksville or Cacheville, You Be The Judge 2008” event (GC18V86) in April. The # 6 and # 8 coins were awarded at the “ArkGeo 2008 Annual Social” event (GC197P5) on May 31.

If you won one of these coins, or know someone who did, please have them contact me at chuck.walla@hotmail.com and provide me with the coin's tracking number and the geocaching.com user name to which the ownership should be transferred. All of the other coins awarded at these events have been claimed and the ownership transferred. Thanks for your help.

Chuck Walla
Geocaching.com Volunteer Cache Reviewer

06-08-2008, 12:48 PM
oops sorry, chuck, one is mine from the social
I have been very snowed under at work and now that it is done for awhile, I am online and ready to log. I will email you with the number. Thanks so much.


06-09-2008, 07:36 AM
I've got the other one from the social. I'll send you an e-mail shortly.

06-12-2008, 08:52 PM
Thanks for getting back to me, topkitty98 and majii!

Now there remains only one geocoin that is out there somewhere that needs to have its ownership transferred. That's the #3 coin, won at the Clarksville event. If you have it, or know someone who does, let me know. Thanks!

Chuck Walla
Geocaching.com Volunteer Cache Reviewer