View Full Version : Good Clarksville Caches?

05-30-2007, 05:55 PM
Spur of the moment decision! My family and I are headed to Clarksville to do some caching. We really wanted to visit the glory hole. I've been looking at the area caches for over an hour and WOW 8O I'm overwhelmed. So I figured I'd just ask some local cachers which ones are the can't miss. Also, any suggestions on an inexpensive place to stay this weekend ( two adults and three children ) Thanks in advance everybody!

05-30-2007, 07:38 PM
Spur of the moment decision! My family and I are headed to Clarksville to do some caching.

YeeeeeeHa! We really love that.

We really wanted to visit the glory hole.

This is a great cache. My most favorite one in all of Arkansas!

I've been looking at the area caches for over an hour and WOW 8O I'm overwhelmed. So I figured I'd just ask some local cachers which ones are the can't miss.

I might be a bit prejudiced here so I will only suggest Golfnutz T/B Motel.

Also, any suggestions on an inexpensive place to stay this weekend ( two adults and three children ) Thanks in advance everybody!
My recommendation on this is the Best Western at 479 754-7900 and tell them you want the geocaching rate. You are welcome to call me while you are here we would love to meet you. 479 979-4442.

05-30-2007, 07:48 PM
The caches my wife and I have found in Clarksville that I have to really suggest are "Lift Station #10", "How Do You Measure Up as A Cacher", "The Judge", and "Hockeyology". But IMOP all of the Cacheville Caches are good ones.


05-30-2007, 07:52 PM
I don't think you'd go wrong with any of the caches up there. They have all been challenging and interesting and I can't wait to go back and search for more of them.

05-31-2007, 11:23 AM
We have a public bookmark list for our Top 20 Clarksville Caches. It's a little out of date, but should get you started.

05-31-2007, 06:39 PM
WOO HOO lucky people!

Where to begin? My my

Lift Station
The Judge
Kara's Easter Cache (probably not it's name, but you'll figure it out)
Golfnutz TB Hotel
A Champion of an Idea
How Do You Measure Up As a Cacher?

Glory Hole is fabulous!

We may be up there Saturday and stay at the Best Westie. We aren't sure yet. Look for a gray Jeep Cherokee with a stuff carrier on top. That's us!

tk98 aka Beth
geo-j aka Jim

Oh yeah, Max, I have some books for you. You're probably finished for the year, but they'll keep. These are good ones!

05-31-2007, 09:02 PM
You will have a great time in Clarksville caching. Poppy is correct, You can't beat the "Best Western" for a place to stay. They have the best beds you will find. Geocachers gets a special rate there too. Also I think you will find friendly people there.
You can walk from the motel to the Sprada trail behind Wendy's and you will be on your way to a fun day.
Favorite Caches. To many to list but,These are just a few that had us scratching our heads.
The Judge, Gateway to Higher Education, S'Naturally Difficult, The Rifleman. And many more.
Hope you enjoy your trip to Clarksville as much as we have.

06-02-2007, 12:14 AM
Thanks everybody for all the great advice. It's 1:00 in the morning and I'm still downloading caches. I won't make it to half of them :lol: We're headed out at daylight.(I feel like a cowboy LOL)It's going to be great !!! Very excited to meet some other cachers as well as visit some great hides. Cya on the trail and if you happen to see a red chevy blazer with hog stickers on it, that will be us.

06-04-2007, 05:01 PM
I just wanted to take a minute and say thanks to everyone for making our visit so wonderful! We ended up having to leave early but still had a great time. Everyone was so friendly. A few special thank yous go out to:
Max for taking the time to greet us and for the hint on the "Signals" cache. Also for the effort you have put into your caches. It's amazing!!! YOUR geocaching kung fu is strong!
Beth, thanks for patiently allowing my wife and I to yak your head off. Also, thank you for all the advice on hides. I have two in the works now so hopefully it won't be long.
And a general thank you to all the area geocachers for all the time and effort put into your hides. Especially cachemates. We found the "Champion" cache. WOW. That's really all I can say. WOW.
We're going back tommorow for a day trip since rklmbl was kind enough to tell me a shorter route :D Savin gas money! More caching!