This week we found out that Mrs Cachemate ( Bonnie ) has breast cancer. It has been a tough week for us waiting on the results of the test. Yesterday she met with her doctor and he gave her some good news.
He told her it was the non-invasive kind of cancer and it would not spread to other parts of her body. We were relieved to hear that.
She will have surgery next week as an outpatient and come home the same day. She will have five radiation treatments a week for five weeks and that should take care of it. I know some of you already know this and have been praying for Bonnie. We thank you for that. Continue to do so.
God Bless all of our Geocaching friends.
PS. For all the Ladies who read this Do not put off your yearly examination, Bonnie put hers off for three years. It could have been much worse.