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Thread: Meet and Greet Event at Mills Park, Bryant, AR

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, Ar.
    I just returned home from attending the event and it was a great success. I'm not sure just how many cachers showed up, but we had a pavilion full. A fantastic turn out. A big thank you to Ltfightr for a great time. Outstanding job guys. It was great to see all the familiar faces and to meet some cachers that I had not met before. I can't wait until the next one.

  2. #12
    At the things you learn during one of these events:

    Spanky don’t look nothing like no real wizard I ever met.

    If ya gonna roast hotdogs over a very big fire, ya gonna need a very long stick.

    Poppy can get in 20 finds before I can eat breakfast.

    Ya Can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at one sitting but it ain’t gonna sit very well.

    OldRiverRunner ain’t old at all.

    Smoke don’t care if your pretty or not.

    Phantom’s son Squirrel, is more the size of a bear then a Squirrel.

    The colder it gets, the better hot cocoa smells.

    Ltfighter do throw a bangup party.

    And, if you can get cachers to stand around in circles telling caching stories, they block a lot of wind. []

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BACKPACKNJACK

    OldRiverRunner ain’t old at all.
    I'm older than you might think! But it's a handle I will never outgrow. That is , until I die. Then I'll just be Dead River Runner. -- ORR
    "Wildness is a necessity." -- John Muir

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth." -- Steve McQueen

  4. #14
    nonnipoppy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BACKPACKNJACK
    At the things you learn during one of these events:

    Spanky don’t look nothing like no real wizard I ever met.

    If ya gonna roast hotdogs over a very big fire, ya gonna need a very long stick.

    Poppy can get in 20 finds before I can eat breakfast.

    Ya Can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at one sitting but it ain’t gonna sit very well.

    OldRiverRunner ain’t old at all.

    Smoke don’t care if your pretty or not.

    Phantom’s son Squirrel, is more the size of a bear then a Squirrel.

    The colder it gets, the better hot cocoa smells.

    Ltfighter do throw a bangup party.

    And, if you can get cachers to stand around in circles telling caching stories, they block a lot of wind. []


  5. #15

    NEW ID??

    Quote Originally Posted by OldRiverRunner
    Then I'll just be Dead River Runner. -- ORR
    You ain’t been a member here no time, and already your thinking about changing your “handle” like a lot of others around here, just so you look a lot cooler????
    I guess a "DRR would be a lot colder...I mean cooler then an ORR

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by OldRiverRunner
    Then I'll just be Dead River Runner. -- ORR
    I almost got a new ID a few days ago, “BPNJDPIU” (Back-Pack-N-Jack-Done-Packed-It-Up).
    I avoided the careening cars in a head-on by inches and like a NASCAR driver drove right through the cloud of flying debris, in this case it was flying glass and plastic and steam, getting only a few more scratches on the car and one slightly scuffed tire.
    Just think, the Mouse could have ended up almost a city block long but still a "DNF".

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, Ar.

    Glad you're okay. Sounds like it could have really been serious.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Woodwalker9
    it could have really been serious.
    Well MR Walker, ever now and then we cachers zag when we should zig, helping explain DNFs maybe, but for the most part we zig when we should.

    But I sure would hate to have to make that manuver at 200mph and I could not have done that in my truck.

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