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Thread: Election 2011

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Election 2011

    Election 2011 !!!

    The Board would like to present the candidates for Election 2011.
    Voting will open May 1 and continue through May 30.
    We will have 3 positions open, therefore,
    each voting member will have a total of 3 votes.

    Candidates for the 3 open Board positions are:

    Chris Denton -- CPDenton
    Chris Knox -- CaptainCooder
    Linda Treadway -- Angel06
    Kent Uhrich -- knkinCabot
    Ron White -- RonWhite

    Each candidate was asked to fill out a questionnaire about their views.
    Please read their answers carefully and get to know your potential new board members in order to make informed decisions.

    Chris Denton

    1. How long have you geocached?

    ---- Me and my family stared geocaching in April 2008.

    2. How long have you been a member of ArkGeo?

    ---- We have been Members of Arkgeo since around July of 2008.

    3. What committees have you served on for ArkGeo? What else have you done to promote ArkGeo?

    ---- We have not served on any committees so far, but tell all our friends we have met through caching about Arkgeo.

    4. Where do you live?

    ---- We live in Conway

    5. What have you done to promote geocaching in Arkansas?

    ---- We have hosted an event here in town as well, and also (along with others here) have made contacts within the Conway Fire Department to try and find a working solution to the issues here in Conway.

    6. What is your vision for ArkGeo?

    ---- It would be great to see Arkgeo as kind of the Parent group to all the other regional groups that have developed within the state. These other groups are Really great for the game, and it would be great to tie them all together for the greater good of the sport.

    7. Name something you hope to help accomplish as a Board member.

    ---- It would be Great to increase the voting members that are active. The Core group of people are great friends, and including all the new members in the activities would only make the Association better.

    8. Why do you want to serve on the Board?

    ---- I love the people in this group, and would love serve in any way I can. So many people have served before me, and I would hope to carry on the good work started by them!


    Chris Denton

    Kent Uhrich

    Wow, I am a candidate for an ArkGeo Board position, what an honor.
    1. Started in April of 2009 (4 caches between then and Aug 2009), but really Aug of 2009 is when we kicked it in!
    2. Since June 2009.
    3. Neither Kim nor I have served on a committee for ArkGeo. We promote ArkGeo with all cachers and those we have helped get started. We support ArkGeo by attending the events also.
    4. Cabot
    5. Most recently we interviewed with a reporter for the Spotlight magazine where an article ran on Geocaching! We promote Geocaching by helping others learn what the sport is and how to get started. We have helped numerous people get started and some to get back involved with the sport. We supported the State Parks in continuing to keep their geocaches. We have been an advocate to the Arkansas Wildlife Mgt in trying to get WLM area open to Geocaching. We have sent emails to parks around the area to continue supporting geocaching by allowing caches in their parks. Plus we continue to hide and find caches!
    6. I would like to see more member involvement in the association. I would like to see more ArkGeo hands on meet and greets where new comers can learn to use tools like GSAK, build homemade caches, how to create geocaching cache pages using HTML, learn how to hide a cache and learn caching protocol. ArkGeo should be the first place a new cacher should look for help and information and it should be the first place every cacher in Arkansas should turn to for all their caching needs, questions and of course, fun!
    7. Pick one from my answer of question 6. Really, I would like to see ArkGeo use the knowledge base it has in its members to help new cachers learn what it means to be a geocacher in Arkansas and help them use the tools at hand. If a cacher walks away knowing we (ArkGeo) helped them accomplish something, they will tell everyone how we helped, thus, we will grow and have more knowledge to grow on.
    8. It is an honor to serve however, just to serve isn't enough. I believe new ideas and fresh minds help keep the association moving forwards, I hope to bring new ideas to the group so our association can become the go to for Arkansas geocachers.

    Ron White:

    Real name: Ron White

    Caching name: ronwhite

    Date you started geocaching: January 2007

    Date you joined Ark Geo: May 2008

    What committees have you served on for ArkGeo? What else have you done to promote ArkGeo? I currently serve on the Events Committee. In January 2009, I spoke to the El Dorado, Arkansas Civitan Club, by the invitation of Mr. Jimmy Goad, about the sport of geocaching and also about the Arkansas Geocachers Association and their efforts to support the environment through the Cache In Trash Out program.

    What have you done to promote geocaching in Arkansas? Besides what I've listed above, In March 2009, Apache Scout and myself made a presentation on Geocaching to a group of educational couselors and teachers during a breakout session at what is now called the Arkansas Career Development Guidance Conference in Eureka, Springs, Arkansas. After the day's sessions, we provided a group of teachers/counselors with GPSrs and took them to several cache hides in the Eureka Springs area

    Vision for ArkGeo:
    To create an atmosphere of coordination and facilitation with all entities, whether private, non-profit, or government related, in the planning and discussion to expand the sport and opportunities of Geocaching in the State of Arkansas.

    One thing he would like to accomplish as a Board Member:
    Increase the reach and membership of the Arkansas Geocachers Association by helping organize local/regional geocaching chapters/associations across Arkansas where none currently exists.

    Why do you want to serve on the Board? :
    To help grow the sport of geocaching and insure that the Arkansas Geocachers Association is the officially recognized State association for Arkansas geocachers.

    Linda Tredway
    1. January 2007
    2. Spring 2007
    3. I have served on the Communication committee and the Fundraising committee
    4. Heber Springs
    5. I have hidden over 130 geocaches; participate in as many challenges as I can; attend as many events as I can; have held an event in Heber Springs, have helped our local school with an event, have had a booth at the county fair for three years explaining geocaching, have had a class for the Extension Homemakers clubs; had an article published in the local newspaper last year; an article published in a local magazine this year; and tell as many people as I can about geocaching (have had a few start the sport).
    6.There needs to be more involvement of our fellow cachers. The "good ole boys" can't keep this organization together FOREVER! New blood, new ideas, new faces, etc. need to get involved. I also think more educational and family fun activities need to continue and be more in quantity. There needs to be more activities so that new members and wanna-be's can learn the correct protocol (if that's the correct word) to cache in our great state.
    7. This has pretty much been answered in #6, but I think the main accomplishment would be for education a new cacher with the proper information (how to hide, how to log, what not to do, and such).
    8. I would consider it an honor to serve. I would do as much as I can, when I can, and where I can. We ALL need to get involved one way or another.
    Thanks for considering me.
    Linda Tredway
    Last edited by idratherbehiking; 05-02-2011 at 08:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ridgway, CO
    Everyone should know that Flannelman, as head of the Election Committee, has worked so hard to get this slate of candidates. Many individuals were suggested for the positions, but so many declined making Will’s job very time consuming. We appreciate his time spent and hard work. Thanks Will.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, AR

    We now another candidate's responses to the survey questions. Thanks ya'll!!!

  4. #4
    Ashallond Guest
    I assume with the voting over at the end of may, and with the ArkGeo meeting soon thereafter, that the results of the elections were announced at the meeting. (If they weren't, then when will they)

    For those of us that were unable to go to the meeting, what were the results of the election, and who will hold what office?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashallond View Post
    I assume with the voting over at the end of may, and with the ArkGeo meeting soon thereafter, that the results of the elections were announced at the meeting. (If they weren't, then when will they)

    For those of us that were unable to go to the meeting, what were the results of the election, and who will hold what office?

    Good point. Also, the vote totals for each candidate need to be posted, as has been done for past elections. Thanks!
    "Wildness is a necessity." -- John Muir

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth." -- Steve McQueen

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    NW Arkansas
    I wonder if there was a reason the results weren't posted here during, or at least right after the annual meeting. Surely there were enough board members to certify the election and notify the winners?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    The winners have been notified, at the annual meeting. If they will allow me, I would be happy to post the three new board members. I don't however, have the vote totals for the election. I am sure life has been busy for all involved.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, AR
    I don't have vote totals as of the very end ~ that will need to come from web master Kevin.

    The three who had the most votes were:

    Ron White aka ronwhite (haha that cracks me up every time I type it!)
    Chris Denton aka cpdenton
    Kent Uhrich aka KnKinCabot

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thanks for announcing that! I am looking forward to serving!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Beth - I just realized the error in this setup. I will change it so that the appropriate officials can always see the final tallies.

    The final results were:

    54 Votes Cast
    Chris Denton (Cpdenton) 40 74%
    Ron White (ronwhite) 40 74%
    Kent Uhrich (knkincabot) 34 63%
    Chris Knox (captaincooder) 20 37%
    Linda Tredway (Angel06) 20 37%

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