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Thread: Are You An EarthCache Master?

  1. #11
    B62GTAWK Guest
    Submitted for my Bronze Pin this morning. Don't know about the next level we will be looking for a great place to place an Earthcache and try for it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lower Arkansas
    Does this cost anything or require some sort of membership? I have two in two different states so I could be close to the bronze level myself.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We didn't know that this existed. We submitted for our bronze pin this morning. Only need to find one more and create one to move up to the siver level. We'll have to get busy. Thanks again, Nukeworker and Racquetball Girl

  4. #14
    grzz51 Guest
    There is another EarthCache, located in the vicinity of the Louisiana Purchase Monument. It is GC1NK79 A Point of Origin by ar_kayaker.
    I tried the link at the top of the page and got an error message.
    My submission for the Bronze pin has been made and I'm waiting patiently

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Conway, Arkansas
    No there is no cost at all. You don't even have to pay for the pin. Just fill out the form and they will check it and mail you your pin and a sticker for your car.

    Glad I moved this to the top again, should mean some new earthcaches to hunt!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Clarksville, AR
    I am going to file for our Bronze, and am currently working on an Earthcache for Johnson County, if I can get it published I can go for the Silver, I have been looking at the route to GWS 8, If we get to go, there sure are a lot of Earthcaches along to route ....

  7. #17
    Ashallond Guest
    Wife and I plan to take my 2 year old to see Natural Dam tomorrow.
    and hey...two caches up there. one regular, and one Earthcache.

    Also, there's two EC's within 45 minutes of Fort Smith just over into Oklahoma.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Conway, Arkansas
    I just saw this on the Earthcache forum on Better hurry:

    Due to financial and administrative constraints, we are sad to announce that from 1 August 2009 we will no longer be sending out Bronze and Silver pins to EarthCache Masters recipients. Gold and Platinum pins will continue to be sent out until further notice.

    All EC masters recipients will be sent an icon image that they can add to their profiles when they submit for a level from 1 August.

  9. #19
    Ashallond Guest
    Did Natural Dam today (water was ROARING over the fall today) and plan to do the two nearby in OK before end of June. First two weeks of july, I will be going to visit inlaws in Kentucky, and have already found three more that I can do on the way/nearby.

    Which means to get a silver level before August 1, I need to find a cache to create....problem is I can't think of any unique/interesting land features near Fort Smith.

    Guess I'll need to call around to a few people see if they can find anything.

    My wife teachers middle school science, and does some earth science lessons, so pictures that i can take of these places actually can help her in her lessons.

    So, anyone on the west side have any suggestions of anything intersting I could look into?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Conway, Arkansas
    I'd suggest calling the park interpreter at Lake Fort Smith State Park and asking them for an idea or 2. I'll bet there is something there that would qualify. If you look over the site there are many different options for earthcaches.

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