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Thread: Evil Geocacher?

  1. #1
    Team_Pink Guest

    Evil Geocacher?

    I am very angry, disappointed, and disheartened and I hope I am wrong. I hid a cache Friday afternoon late and by Sunday morning early it had been totally destroyed. It was in an isolated area and well hidden. It wasn't just pilfered, it was destroyed and scattered.

    To my knowledge there was not a soul around when I hid the cache. This leads me to believe that someone with a account and GPS did this. I really don't see any other possibility. If it were deer season, I would say a hunter in camo was nearby and watched me hide it, but it is not deer season, I saw no vehicles, etc.

    I don't know what to do now, this cache is part of a series and I am at a loss.

  2. #2
    rock_hound Guest
    Could it have been an animal?

    If not you could rehide and make it a members only cache. I am sure there are yahoos who sign up for a free account just to cause havoc.

  3. #3
    Team_Pink Guest
    OK, I've calmed down now. I have rehidden it. If it disappears again I will change it to a micro and go from there.

    I defintely wasn't an animal though. It was an ammo can and it is missing. I suppose there are other possibilities other than a geocacher but the remoteness of the location and the hide sure makes it hard to think otherwise. I guess I'll know shortly!

  4. #4
    Topkitty had one messed with pretty good by some kids who decided it would make a great paintball target and it was pretty well hidden too.

    It wasn't in a remote location, but being remote from most people doesn't mean it isn't a spot some teens smoking crack don't hang out. Remote locations have other uses than geocaches.


  5. #5
    flannelman Guest
    Although deer season is closed there are still other hunting seasons open. I would hate to think that a fellow hunter would do such a thing but there are slobs in every sport. I would also hate to think that another geocacher would have done it. This is an unfortunate thing to happen when you have spent so much time preparing a cache for others to enjoy.

    Sounds to me like some punks that have nothing better to do have found your cache. I hope that the replacement has a long life and that I get to hunt for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    tech_guy, I know exactly how you feel! In late October of last year, one of my caches hidden in Petit Jean State Park (Off the Beaten Path, GC8CD) was also muggled, with the contents -- including the ammo box -- tossed into Cedar Creek. Fortunately, a geocacher from Dallas was looking for it shortly afterwards, noticed something in the creek, and realized what it was. He found almost everything, dried it off, and rehid it for me. And this was a geocache hidden in a state park, along one of the lesser travelled trails, with a hike of over a half-mile from the closest approach point. My guess, though, was that it wasn't an "evil geocacher" in this case, but some "evil hikers" who happened to stumble upon the cache. Thank God for the good Samaritan geocacher from Big D! Unfortunately, bad things happen to our caches sometimes. I think reclassifying your cache as a Premium Members Only cache might be the best choice to ensure it's not messed with in the future. -- ORR
    "Wildness is a necessity." -- John Muir

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth." -- Steve McQueen

  7. #7
    Phantom_491 Guest
    I have encountered a cache that was deliberately sabotaged by an 'Evil Geocacher'. This person attacked the cache sometime between Friday evening, and Sunday afternoon. I was headed to Texas to visit family, and stopped by 'Poor Boys Stash & Travel Bug Stop' (NowArchived). Everything was fine, I swapped a coupleTBS and headed on. On Sunday I was coming back and stopped there again. This time I noticed the cache was wet (Inside & outside) I drained it but then noticedan odor. well I checked the log book and the culprit actually left an un signed note in the log book. He/She stated that they were former Geocachers who got tired of the game/addiction. So they left a present at this cache for those foolish enough to be addicted.

    Needless to say I contacted the owner about the incident, made a special TB Rescue trip to the cache, and later picked up the cache and took it to it's owner in Texarkana.

  8. #8
    Team_Pink Guest

    That's pathetic

    I can imagine how the cache owner must have felt!

    It's been a rough week for me. I had one to completely disappear (Rock Springs III), had one destroyed and scattered that was posted one morning and destroyed the next (Broom Cemetery), and today I learn another one is damaged (Gainsville II).

    All this in less than a week! I'm seriously thinking about going all micros!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    "Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance and the third time its enemy action." -- Auric Goldfinger to James Bond

    Three times in one week? You definitely have an "evil geocacher" on the loose in your area. -- ORR
    "Wildness is a necessity." -- John Muir

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth." -- Steve McQueen

  10. #10
    That does seem to be too much for coencidence. Is there a geocacher you've made angry at you somehow?


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