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Thread: Caching India - Inservicing Educators in GeoSpatial Awareness and GPSr's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Little Rock

    Caching India - Inservicing Educators in GeoSpatial Awareness and GPSr's

    HI there folks... Savoy here. I'll be headed to Southern India in a little over a week and need some fresh ideas for a workshop I'll be doing for upper level High School Teachers and administrators.

    I'll have three two-sessions where I work groups of teachers trying to figure out how to increase the use of Tech and GeoSpatial Awareness to increase student creativity. I'll be introducing them to GeoCaching (Educaching) of course!

    This is where I need some help... before we get to the 'technical-GPSr' part, I'm setting up something like a GeoCache "escape room" where they will have to work together to find geocaches hidden in an auditorium (think multi-stage caching in a school room or school auditorium) until they gather enough information from the micro caches to 'escape' - or in this case, advance to the next lesson... which will take us outside.

    I'd love for anyone with ideas for urban micro-caches (that I can build quickly - I only have a week to prep before we fly out) to post here: Ideas, pictures of one's you've made/seen, etc. etc.

    Thanks - I'm happy to give Arkgeo a credit line on the materials!! Posting here means you give me permission to use your idea in the class of course

    Take care! - Savoy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Jacksonville, AR
    Sounds like a good opportunity to use AR, augmented reality. Teachers can use AR for a number of things in their classrooms.
    One cache at a time!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Little Rock
    Quote Originally Posted by MathSeeker View Post
    Sounds like a good opportunity to use AR, augmented reality. Teachers can use AR for a number of things in their classrooms.
    Great idea... I'm get that in there sometime. I've only got 2 hours with each group but that is definitely a keep idea. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Little Rock
    IMG_20180719_134806674.jpg GPS/r Prework - we saw about 200 H.S. kids in 5 sessions!

    VIRB0307.JPG A group working one of the stages! Each class of about 40 was broken into 6 groups, each with their own clues to chase down.

    VIRB0318.JPG After solving a series of of clues, they needed to find one scientist, two ''bad-guys" and one key. After that they had enough information to unlock the vault that had the cure to stop the virus that was turning the school into zombies!! (Not really, it was all just a game).

    VIRB0320.JPG This class - 10C - managed to Save the School in the 1.5 hrs. - just in time... great job!!
    Last edited by Savoy; 07-28-2018 at 03:05 PM.

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