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Thread: February 2015 Geocacher Profile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Jacksonville, AR

    February 2015 Geocacher Profile

    The Membership Relations Committee is happy to showcase some ArkGeo Geocachers through the "Geocacher Profile". The committee thought Kendall Tabor aka Coon&Bud should be the next cacher to be in the spotlight.

    What is your geocaching name?
    Coon&Bud unofficial title “The King of DNF”. I have currently 359 DNF’s logged.

    How did you choose your handle?
    I choose Coon to honor my father, Raymond "Coon" Tabor. The Bud part is to honor my father in law Charles "Bud" Dickinson. I lost them both in 1997 to heart disease. I sometimes cache with my wife so she is the “Bud” part.

    How long have you been geocaching?
    Let me see I started on June 12, 2008. That all boils down to 4 years 7 months and lots of gasoline.

    How did you find your first Geocache, and which one was it?
    My first find was GCZAWC The Haunted Forest by Old River Runner. I found it with my daughter. She was the actual finder of the cache, in a Cedar tree, a 35mm on the Bona Dea Trails in Russellville.

    Who usually goes with you when you go caching?
    I cache with several friends, Apache Scout & Sioux, Buckshot (Cousin)/MammaLlama, Hopalong2K, and most recently I have cached with my new friend bUTCH46. I love going caching in a group. I have cached with several Ark-Geo members.

    How long will you work on puzzle caches before you give up?
    Well to be honest, I am easily stumped. I have over 100 puzzle finds. I do find them. I never really give up. I phone a friend for help or the CO for help. There are a few I have put on a back burner and make a note. I look over those and see if there is a new log for help too. Recently I solved one, with help from Jffok and others, which I have wanted to solve for years.

    What town/areas have you most enjoyed caching in?
    Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, Jessieville and Russellville are where I cache in Arkansas primarily. I have had fun in Louisville, KY, Middle-Tennessee (wife’s family), and on a vacation to Colorado. I am attending MOGA this year in Missouri and that will be a hoot.

    Do you do paperless caching?
    Yes, primarily I do paperless cache, but not when I first started. I do use paper notes still on a Junior Legal Pad.

    What kind of geocaching rig do you use?
    I use a Garmin E-Trex, yes the good old yellow ones, I have several and a classroom set to teach my Professional Development classes about Geocaching. I also have a Garmin E-Trex 10 unit. I got it for Christmas in 2013 and I am still getting used to it. I also use the Geocaching app on my IPhone.

    Why would you recommend anyone else to take up geocaching?
    Yes, I would! I have taught students and fellow educators to geocache. Several of my students have Geocaching accounts and Geocache. A few teachers, I taught in a PD, have accounts too.

    Where are you originally from?
    I was born in Harrison, Arkansas. I am the 7th generation of my family to live in Arkansas and 5th to be born here. My GGG Grandpa came here in 1824.

    In what states have you geocached?
    Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Florida and Mississippi. 12 States in all, I don't travel much at all, just for family.

    What was your first event ever attended?
    The Breakfast Club- March 09 edition, GC1N8N6 hosted by Idratherbehiking. I have since attended 110 events, 10 CITO, 2 Mega(Geowoodstock), and 1- Lost and Found event, 10 years of geocaching. That makes 123 in all. I had a blast at each and every one. I also have hosted some events and flash mobs.

    How many caches have you found?
    I found 5 more today so 2,810.

    Which type of cache container do you prefer over the rest?
    I like one that does not leak. I hate finding a cache that has the contents that are mush. Anymore folks are not testing the containers to see if it is waterproof. I love an ammo can but they are rare now.

    What was the most famous cache that you have found?
    I guess GC1B Gorilla Stash, in Mountain Home, Arkansas. It was on a caching trip to cache with Buckshot.

    Do you use disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries?
    I use disposable batteries

    Do you enjoy hiding or finding more as your part of the hobby?
    I enjoy finding them more than hiding them. I am not a very creative hider. Hiding is like this, I am a musician, I can play most anything on a band instrument (finding) but do not like writing music (hiding). Both are a craft not all are good at both.

    Do you have a personal goal in mind when you make a hide?
    Yes, I have a goal. I ask myself did I give enough clues on my puzzle or multi or regular to find the cache. Like I stated, I am not really a good hider, I am creative in other areas. I am willing to grow into a better hider.

    What is your favorite type of cache hide?
    An Earthcache is my favorite, lots to learn in the world. Colorado has many fun Earthcaches. I also like, yes, Virtuals! That is the standard favorite.

    Out of all your hides, what are your personal favorites that you take pride in?
    I guess the cemetery hides that are Marian County and Boone County. They are in cemeteries where my grandparents are buried.

    What do you think the proper hide to find ratio should be to keep the sport fresh?
    100 finds then start hiding caches, also no needs archived unless you have found at least 500 caches.

    How did you end up getting into this wacky hobby?
    Apache Scout &Sioux presented a Professional Development at my school. They are such great people and educators. I also got a free Garmin E-Trex for attending. The rest is history.

    What's your favorite geocache?
    I guess the grave of Minnie Pearl, a Virtual GCJFKF Minnies Pearl. Sarah Cannon was her real name, just a simple footstone. She started a Cancer research facility in Tennessee but to those who never heard of her she was a member of the Grand Ole Opry.

    If money was no object, where would you like to go geocaching?
    I always wanted to cache in Europe. I am going to Hawaii in a few years that will be fun.

    Do you like geocaching by yourself or in a group?
    I like caching a group, more eyes, equals more finds. I call myself the King of DNF. I really do not like posting them but they are necessary to the owners.

    How many First to Finds do you have?
    I have 66 FTF and living in Russellville that has been a struggle. I have a personal goal of 100 for a challenge cache.

    Are you a First to Find person who is always set on go and if so, how many miles out do you have your settings on to get notifications?
    I set my settings at the max. I love the FTF just as much as all the FTF hounds. There is nothing like that blank log. I recently got some FTF in Clinton, over an hour away from Russellville.

    Do you have any other hobbies besides geocaching?
    Yes, I play the Tuba and other band instruments. I play the QR code game. I have my church and family and a dog. I swim in the summer in my pool.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Clarksville Arkansas
    Enjoyed reading the Coon and Bud February 2015 Geocacher Profile. Kendall, after you have cached 10+ years, let's compare DNFs. Really liked your response on posting DNFs. Seeing you at events is always one of our highlights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Cabot, AR
    I have only met Coon & Bud a few times. The first time I met him was at the 2014 Cache Bash V in Lake Sylvia. I had rode my motorcycle to that event and noticed on the way out of the park that my rear tire was going flat. Coon & Bud just happened to be at the last cache I was grabbing on my way out of the area. I mentioned I was high tailing it to the nearest gas station and he told me he had a can of fix-a-flat. Praise God. I filled my tire with the can of fix-a-flat and it had just enough air to get me where I could put in more air. I ran that tire for another 4,000 miles.

    I have told thanked him 100 times but here it is once more. You were a life saver and I really appreciate the help. Thanks Again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Mountain Home
    Congrats on the profile, cousin! Always glad to be an extra set of eyes when I can! Looking forward to doing so again very soon!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Van Buren
    Super great guy! Good pick on the geocacher profile this month.
    Mother to 2 dogs - Foxer, the chicken herder and Bo, the pug, 1 kitty chupacabra princess Daksi and Married to a wonderful man, Pizzaboy2600.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Ridgway, CO
    Kendall is one of my favorite humans. Nice profile of a great AR cacher.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Awesome read. I really appreciate the ones who take some time and think about the answers. Kendall is one of the best guys to represent our sport. To think I was the only one who kept track of DNF's... Who'd a thunk!! 120 and counting for me.

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