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Thread: New to Little Rock Geocaching

  1. #1
    Gemini II Guest

    New to Little Rock Geocaching

    Good Morning. A good friend told me about this last night, I had never heard of it before. Sounds like a great hobby, sport. Can't wait to get started. Checking out GPS units now. I will probably have a lot of questions. Just wanted to say "Hi."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Jacksonville, AR
    Welcome, Niasa!
    Geocaching is a fun sport/hobby/game. It is very addicting. Ark Geo is a great place to get your questions answered.
    One cache at a time!

  3. #3
    edieo Guest
    Welcome to the game..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    live in eastern Oklahoma
    Welcome to the game and to the Arkgeo sight. Lots of people here will be happy to answer your questions.

  5. #5
    pshelto Guest


    Welcome! Hope you enjoy the sport. Don't let any of the "did not finds" discourage you. I'm sure, however, you will be finding caches left and right before it's all over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Little Rock
    Welcome to the wonderful world of geocaching Niasa. It's a great way to see places you wouldn't ordinarily see and meet people you wouldn't ordinarily meet. Anybody can do it and it spans the whole spectrum of age from little kids to old folks and they can all do it together. Good luck and if you have any questions or need any help just let us know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Conway, Arkansas
    Great to have you join in. If you aren't busy ArkGeo is hosting a "Meet & Eat" get together on Satuday, December 18 from 2-4 at the Dixie Cafe on Baseline. We'd love for you to come and meet a few other cachers. Bet you could get some questions answered there for sure!

    Here is a link to the event for more info:

  8. #8
    Gemini II Guest
    Thanks all for the very warm welcome. The get-together does sound like a lot of fun and I will definitely put it on my calendar. I've been busy reading all about this great sport. I think I'm already hooked.

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