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Thread: What does your handle mean?

  1. #11
    gespurr Guest
    I had NO idea the 3 of you were related! wow!

    He hasn't registered here yet (he still plans to!) but My husband is Old_Pines (who has hidden "Two in the Bush" that MANY of you found today )

  2. #12
    Dentful1 Guest
    Well....this one will make you all laugh.
    I had a 1997 Chevrolet Extended Cab emerald green in color. Bought it brand new my Senior year in High School. I made it into a simple show truck. 2-4 drop, bed cover, cat eye front bumper, billet grill, roll pan and 15x10 American Racing wheels cover with 275/60-15's. It was the only modified truck in the area for a while, everybody else around here had 4x4's with lifts and mud tires. I kept it real clean until we played rabbit. I got my first dent in it and it was all down hill from there. Got another dent and than another. Just stopped caring about how good it looked. I was being a typical country boy in a non-typical country truck running the back roads at 90 a show truck . I have pics of the before and after and than after I fixed it back up to trade off. Man, I was young and stupid but I did enjoy every minute of it.

    Hence the name DENTFUL1

  3. #13
    majii Guest
    I kinda wish I had a good story to go with my username, but in actuality it's just my initials and my generation. But at least it's nice and short and easy to write on logs.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I love to raft the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon and have done it 8 times since 1986.

    Hence, the name "River Runner". However, this was not available on, so on a whim, I added "Old", since I will never outgrow it (as opposed to "Young River Runner")! That is, until I die, and then I'll become Dead River Runner.

    My avatar uses the state flag of Arizona, which is, of course, the Grand Canyon State.

    Old River Runner
    "Wildness is a necessity." -- John Muir

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth." -- Steve McQueen

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Clarksville, AR
    Well, ours is pretty simple also, when we were on vacaton in FL and found our first cache, I went to register and all I could think on was my call sign with the Clarksville Fire Dept. Hence CFD29
    Been that ever since, and it is easy to log

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Paris, Arkansas
    Many of you know I am in law enforcement and I recently worked for the Paris Police Department (Arkansas not France).

    I once went to a course on Gangs and learned that in large cities the police were sometimes referred to as the "one time". Trust me, I have been called much worse. The police were called this because in the bad neighborhoods they expected to only see the police patrol through their neighborhood one time during an 8 hour shift.

    When I was choosing my handle since I worked in Paris that is the "paris" then I added the gang nickname and changed it to "1time" therefore you have "paris1time".

  7. #17
    B62GTAWK Guest
    When I picked my handle I wanted all my family members to be represented. So my wife and I wrote done everyones initials and the name poped out of that. 6 B's, 2 G's , TAWK Thus B62GTAWK. Some have thought it was a HAM radio handle but I believe it has too many characters. Thanks for the thread.

  8. #18
    flannelman Guest
    This is a fun thread that is recycled from time to time. Mine is from back in high school but was just a family nickname. I used to wear blue jeans and a Tshirt all the time and when the weather got cooler I'd add a plaid flannel shirt to the mix. I always got those shirts for Christmas and would be disappointed if I didn't find one under the tree. So since I always had one of those shirts on, and still do often, when I would visit my older sister she would say, "Hey, here comes flannelman." It kinda developed into a mock superhero thing and we had a lot of fun with it. Now she calls me bigfoot because we rarely see each other because of my busy schedule. She says I'm harder to spot than bigfoot now!!

  9. #19
    HikerRon Guest
    "HikerRon'' came about when i lived in Colorado and made 18 trips total to the summits of 12 different 14,000 Ft peaks. but now that i've had 2 knee surgeries, and gained 20 lbs, and moved back to practically sea-level, i couldnt hike up a flight of stairs in Colorado without stopping to rest

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Jacksonville, AR
    When my school district tried to push all of us screaming and kicking into the 21st century with this internet thing, I had to think up a name for my email address. I tried kitty, kitty, kitty - taken. kitty3 - taken. topcat - taken. So I went to topkitty because I am always telling the kids in my class that I am the queen and monarch of all I survey (yeah, right.) I added the 98 because I had to give a motivational speech when I won an award in the district in 1998.

    markrocksinheavennow - Mark, our son, used to call himself a loner and wanted an email address that was Loners Rock! to which I said no thank you, because you rock more. So he became markrocks916 - his birthday. When he died, I considered markrocksinmyheart but decided on markrocksinheavennow because I can assure you, he not only is rocking up there, he is shaking, rattling, and rolling all over Heaven!

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